Creative Ideas for Email Subject Greetings

First impressions matter. And how do you make a good first impression with your email? With a creative and interesting greeting email subject, of course!

The subject of your email is the first thing a recipient will see. You want your greeting to reflect your brand’s personality, vision, and messaging. Get creative; use something unique and original to set yourself apart from the competition.

Nailing all these characteristics for your email subject can be difficult. But with a few simple tips, you’ll always be one step ahead of the game.

This article has a few ideas you can use to come up with the perfect email subject. Check them out and use these suggestions to help you stand out and get more engagement.

A laptop next to a phone, two pens, and a note pad.
Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash

Why is Your Email Subject so Important?

Whether it’s a business email or personal email, a well-written subject can help you in ways you might not have expected. Subject lines can help increase engagement and convey your personal brand when sent out to many people. In that case, the subject line is a great place to showcase your branding.

A good email subject can perform specific functions, convey information, and express a message between friends or business partners. The tone of your subject can be as important as the content. In other words, a subject line is more than just a few words, but it’s a subtle clue into the message’s mood.

How to Make a Great Email Subject

Personalize it for Your Audience

Your email subject should be tailored to your audience. Know who your email recipients are and what they’re looking to get out of it. What interests them, and what do they want to know? The more personalized your email subject lines are, the more effective they’ll be.

Keep it Concise and Catchy!

Always remember that a concise email subject is a good email subject. Make sure to keep it around 50-60 characters. Do not take up more space than necessary, and keep it relevant. Make sure it is relatable and catchy as well. Remember, people are busy. They don’t have time to read long, drawn-out subjects. So make it concise, concise, concise!

Share Something Valuable

Let your recipient know that your email has something valuable for them. Your email subject should provide a sneak peek into your email.

If your email is about your company, maybe share an interesting statistic or highlight a recent product release. If you want to reach out to someone personally, share a personal story or piece of advice, or ask a question.

Steer Clear of Spam Keywords

Spam keywords are words that send up a red flag telling bots or filters to delete or block your email. Avoid them at all costs. Your email will be useless if it ends up in the spam folder. Here are examples of spam keywords you should steer clear of.

  • Earn Extra Cash
  • Free Membership
  • Giveaway
  • Unsolicited
  • Get started now

You can use spam checkers to double-check your subject and email content. These tools will help optimize your email campaigns and ensure your emails don’t interfere with spam filters.

Ask an open-ended question.

Open-ended questions work like a charm to intrigue your recipient to open your email. You can start with a simple question like ‘How do you deal with personal project time management?’ or ‘How do you find work-life balance?’. These questions will get your recipient riled up to answer. After you send the email, gauge their reactions.