How You Can Make, Edit, and Improve Facebook Events

Facebook is the only social media platform that allows you to harness the power of a digital event. Facebook helps get your customer’s attention and provides the opportunity to convert that attention into a purchase.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create an event on Facebook that drives conversions and attracts potential customers.

We’ll also discuss strategies on how to make your event (from the creation process, metrics, and getting feedback) to get the best results. Keep on reading, and you’ll be on your way to creating a successful Facebook event.

How to Create an Event on Facebook

You can create Facebook events on your Desktop or on your phone. The process will still be more or less the same. Events on Facebook can also be posted publicly or privately inside a group.

We’ll cover all that in this section of the article. Let’s start with creating an event using your profile and sharing it publicly with your friends.

Creating an event from a personal Facebook profile

  • Log in to your Facebook profile and then click on the Menu button, which can be seen at the top navigation bar.
  • Under the menu, you’ll be able to see several options. Look for the “Events” tab and click it. It should be the first option under the “Social” header.
  • On the left-hand menu, click on “Create a new event.”
  • Create an event online or in person using whichever method you prefer.
  • Add all your event details. This includes the name of your event and the start and end date. You can also choose whether it is a private or public event; when you’re done, press “Next.”
  • Choose a method for people to join your event online. It can be through Facebook live, messenger rooms, or external links. If neither of these suits your event, you can always select “Other” and type in details of how to join the event.
  • The last step is writing a description of the event. Let your audience know what it’s about and what they can expect.

Creating an event for a Group

  • Log into your Facebook account. You should see a menu on the left side of the page—select Groups.
  • Choose the group you want to create the event in. You should be directed to your group page.
  • Under the group’s cover photo, click “More” and then click “Events.”
  • Click “Create event.”
  • Fill in all the information about your event and click next.
  • After filling up all the information, click the “Create Event” button.

NOTE: If you don’t see a “Create Event” option, this may be because the group administrators don’t allow these kinds of posts. You will have to request an administrator to let you create an event. 

How to Edit Your Facebook Event

Event changes can sometimes be challenging to make, but with Facebook events it’s very simple and straightforward. Just follow these quick steps.

  • Go to your newsfeed page or group page.
  • Look for the “Events.” This should be on the left side of the page. Click it.
  • Find the event you need to edit and select it
  • Select “Edit”
  • Make all the necessary changes
  • Click on “Update”

Quick Tips for Making a Successful Facebook Event

Use a unique event name.

The event name is the first impression an event gives, so choose it wisely. It should be unique enough to pique the interest of your audience. Make them want to learn more about the event.

Write a clear & thorough description.

What is your event about? And what can participants get out of it? Your event description should be able to answer this. Highlight the value your event offers.

Use an eye-catching event photo.

Another great strategy to grab your audience’s attention is by using an excellent event photo. A photo can say more than a thousand words, so be sure to choose your images wisely!

Promote your Facebook event with ads

Harness the power of Facebook ads to spread the word about your event. The most crucial event goal is getting people (friends, family, customers, etc.) to attend your event.

Facebook ads can help your reach out to your target audience more effectively. Make sure to make the text in your ad enticing. An excellent and effective way to do this is by using online writing tools. In particular, one tool worth checking out is the INK Facebook Ad Primary Text Generator. It works wonders!

Promote your event outside of Facebook

Aside from Facebook ads, you can also use other promotional methods. This can be through other social media platforms or email marketing.

Create a sense of urgency

The sooner you get participants to respond to your invite, the better. Include t