Boost Traffic With Organic Keyword Research

Web traffic is the lifeblood of any digital marketing campaign because it is the gateway to the potential of making sales. This is why many businesses invest significant amounts of money into organic keyword research. 

Whether you’re a website owner who wants to boost traffic or an aspiring SEO specialist, you will want to read this article.

A screen that shows SEO metrics.
Photo by Stephen Phillips on Unsplash

What Are Organic Keywords?

Organic keywords are a strategically focused number of words designed to increase your keyword rankings in a search engine without using an ad. They attract traffic using a myriad of search engine optimization strategies.

Organic Traffic Vs. Paid Traffic

Organic traffic refers to web visits directed by the search engine algorithm. They are organic because users visit your website naturally. Paid traffic refers to web visits paid for by the website owner and generated through paid internet advertising. Paid search comes in the form of paid ads that appear in the “paid ads” section of a search results page.

Marketers strive to generate organic traffic because they are cost-effective and their effects last over the long term. It’s also why many businesses invest in content strategies. Certain types of content are better suited for different approaches.

Informative and useful content such as articles, videos, and infographics perform well on organic methods. On the other hand, sales-focused content such as landing pages, checkout pages, and product pages are better suited to paid ads.

Why Are They Important?

The primary goal of increasing organic traffic is to prompt the Google search algorithm to rank your content on the first pages of SERPs. While this may seem like a trivial thing to invest lots of money on, its effects are more than worth the effort. Here’s why:

1. They’re Free

Organic keywords are important because they drive significant organic traffic to your website. This means that your website is going to constantly receive visitors without the need to pay for paid advertising. 

More importantly, this will drive more prospects to your website. Organic keywords generate traffic to your website and ensure that your target audience finds your website on search engine results.

2. They Increase ROI

The benefits from organic traffic from a well-executed SEO strategy tend to carry over the long term. While SEO may initially be expensive, the reputation and organic traffic it builds last over the long term. The cost-to-benefit will eventually make the investment worth it because you end up with long-term customer relationships.

3. Organic Traffic Boosts Credibility

People who don’t intend to make a purchase tend to avoid paid search ads. Most people are inherently distrustful of marketing. When your website appears at the top of organic SERPs, it signals to users that you are a credible voice in your niche.

This means users will be more likely to interact with your website than others.

Tips for Performing Organic Keyword Research