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2 Months Free
Billed $468/yr, save $120
All of INK, for you
5-day free trial with 10K words
no credit card required
Unlimited AI Writing
Unlimited SEO Articles
Unlimited AI Images
All our Apps & Features
AI Content Shield
Keyword Research & Clustering
130+ AI Templates
20+ Languages
Support, Community, Training
Billed $1,188/yr, save $228
All of INK, for teams
5-day free trial with 10K words
no credit card required
Everything in INK Professional, plus:
3 Paid Users Included
Advanced Team Management
Team Performance Tracking
Supports Teams of 50+
Premium Support
All INK Features
5-day free trial with 10K words
no credit card required
What’s Included
User Accounts
INK Credits
AI Words Per Month
AI Images Per Month
SEO Articles Per Month
Content Shield
AI Writing Features
Fair Usage
Command Mode AI Writing
Compose Mode AI Writing
Natural Language Optimization AI
INK Exclusive
20+ Languages
Long Document Writing
Full SEO Optimization
INK KUPE AI Paraphrasing
INK Exclusive
Import from URL
Export Document
WordPress Integration
Unsplash Integration
Dark Mode
Colorblind Mode
Dyslexia Mode
Focus Mode
Typewriter Mode
Sound Mode
INK Exclusive
INK Recipes
Fair Usage
130+ Short Copy Templates
Hey INK Tool
20+ Languages
Tone of Voice
INK AI Assistant
Build your own Recipe
Coming Soon
Community Recipes
Coming Soon
Share Recipes
Coming Soon
Fork Recipes
Coming Soon
Personal Profile
Coming Soon
Upvote Recipes
Coming Soon
SEO Optimization Features
Fair Usage
SEO Keyword Analysis
Real-Time Semantic SEO Scoring
INK Exclusive
360° Competitor Analysis
INK Exclusive
Missing Topics
Competitor Sources
INK KUPE Paraphrasing AI
INK Exclusive
Word & Document SEO Tasks
SEO Meta Data
Sentiment Analysis
Word Count Analysis
Tone & Voice Analysis
INK Exclusive
Emotional Intelligence AI
INK Exclusive
Headline Optimization Scoring
INK Exclusive
Shield: Plagiarism Checking
Shield: Detect AI Written Content
INK Exclusive
Image Generation Features
Fair Usage
Image Resolution
Image License
Royalty Free
Creative Commons
Filters & Adjustments
Remove Watermark
Aspect Ratio
Image History
Share Via Link
Content Planner Features
Keyword Clustering
1 credit / kw
1 credit / kw
Keyword Research
Keyword Research
20 credits / search
20 credits / search
Search volume
Search Trend
Cost Per Click
Content Shield Features
AI Audit
1 credit / 100 words
1 credit / 100 words
Plagiarism Audit
1 credit / 100 words
1 credit / 100 words
URL Full Audit
40 credits / URL
40 credits / URL
Text Analysis
Scheduled Audits
Pay As You Go
Extra Credits
$40 / 4,000
$40 / 4,000
Extra Users
$33 / user / mo
Support & Training
Chat Support
Helpdesk with FAQ
Bootcamp Training
INK Certification Program
Service Status Page
Facebook Group
Discord Channel
Private Demo
Priority Support
Account Features
Personal Document Storage
Content Search
Personal Usage Tracking
Support 50+ Users
Team Dashboard
Team Name Picker
Team Usage Tracking
Team Role Management
Team Recipes
Coming Soon
Privacy Shield Compliant
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. In fact, we’re so confident that you’ll love INK, that we make it pretty much impossible to buy without trying. You have 5 days to try INK until we’re reverting you back to a free plan. We don’t ask for your credit card, so you can try INK risk-free. If only all companies were this transparent!
Any feature that is not unlimited usage (such as AI words, SEO articles, AI images) use credits. This system allows us to serve our users with advanced needs, such as API and bulk usage. See the feature table for how many credits different actions take.
You’ll get new credits each time once a month. If you still need more, extra credits are pay as you go.
Our enterprise plan includes 3 users. Did you know that you get a discount on team user seats? If you prefer to fly solo, our professional plan is there for you.
We wouldn’t let any other AI writing solution anywhere near our site because they lack the protection that only INK has. No other solution uses real-time competitive audience research to teach the AI to write more performing copy. Our technology has no equal if you care about marketing outcomes. And when it comes to SEO, everyone else is still entity stuffing while only INK is using semantic embeddings. We’re also way cooler, transparent, care more about our community, more fairly priced, and did we mention INK replaces like 5 subscriptions? Tell us in chat your #1 reason for making the switch to INK, we want to know!
The content shield prevents your content being detected as AI content and allows you to scan your text and site to find problems with AI and plagiarism. The SEO content score is a 3rd generation semantic prediction of how Google will rate your content quality. NLO stands for natural language optimization and is our content performance technology that powers our AI writing.
We’re happy to schedule a demo for prospective enterprise customers — just send our team a message. We also have a bootcamp, training videos and a lot more information on our help desk to help you get started.
Yes, you can add and remove users at any time on our enterprise plan!
INK is used by companies and individuals who create content and care about online growth, conversion and brand protection. We believe content reach is the most important aspect of content marketing. Does your content get found, engage and convert? And is it safe for use online?
While you can use our AI to write and design images for just about anything, INK truly shines when creating copy for business and marketing. That’s because INK has the most advanced content performance technology built-in!
The INK Assistant supports English, Spanish, French, German, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil variants), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian and Swedish. The INK Document Editor & SEO features support English.
Not only is INK content plagiarism free, we offer plagiarism checking as part of our solution without needing an additional subscription. We want you to have total peace of mind!
Yes! We have no commercial usage restrictions.
Because we offer a completely risk-free 5 day trial, there are no refunds if you buy after trying INK. That said, it’s super easy to cancel at any time, and we offer month-to-month plans!
We don’t support plan pausing yet. For now, you can always cancel and resubscribe on our month-to-month plans. If you care about this feature, please let us know, and we’ll prioritize it on our roadmap.
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Stories of marketers, writers, and entrepreneurs using INK.
Why INK?
For more than 5 years we’ve been developing and advancing the state of the art in content performance technology while earning the trust of many leading marketers. We hope to earn yours by giving you content results, protection, a great user experience, honest pricing, a fantastic community, unlimited usage and everything you could wish for in a single subscription.