Why Meta Descriptions Matter Today: Better Strategy

Search engine optimization could be a handful. The constant changes in SEO don’t make it any easier. It’s not surprising that you are wondering why meta descriptions matter. Or if it’s still as important as it used to be.

The answer to these questions isn’t white and black.

But this article will address all the shades of gray and help you understand why meta description is still a big deal in SEO.

Ready? First, let’s unveil the meaning of meta descriptions.

What Is a Meta description?

A meta description is an HTML element that summarizes the content on a web page. It’s the short text Google shows after the meta title on search result pages.

Sometimes these short texts influence people’s decision to click on a result.

The purpose of a meta description is to convince a prospect or searcher to visit your website. It tells them what to expect from your content. To nail your meta description, it needs to provide a snapshot of your website content.

If you don’t want Google to shorten your meta description, keep it between 140 and 160 characters.

Why Meta Descriptions Matter?

Meta descriptions don’t affect your ranking directly. In fact, it hasn’t been a ranking factor since 2009. But it’s still a critical on-page SEO factor.

Why is that?

It Improves Click-through

The idea of running a search on the internet is to find information. Sometimes, it’s to find a particular service or product.

However, most searchers aren’t patient enough. Hence, they rely on scanning the snippets (meta descriptions) to determine the suitability of a particular article.

That means vivid meta descriptions generate higher click-throughs.

And an incredible click-through or traffic affects your search ranking. Although meta-description might not affect your ranking directly, it indirectly influences your position on SERPs.

Portrays Your Content As a Relevant Result

Google algorithm evaluates many factors to decide a web page’s relevancy. Your meta description is one of the factors.

It informs Google what your webpage is about. Once Google can comprehend your meta description, it matches it to the right search intent.

How To Write Better Meta Descriptions

If your meta descriptions don’t reflect the content of your website, they won’t have the expected result. The following tips will help you write better meta descriptions.

1. Keep it concise and targeted

A meta description should be short, preferably under 160 characters.

This ensures a prospect understands the content of your page.

It should also be relevant to the page’s topic, so potential customers know the information available on your page.

2. Include a Call-to-Action

While you want to avoid being too salesy, it helps to include some type of call-to-action. It gives the extra nudge that convinces searchers to take action and click through to your site.

Something like “Learn more here!” or “Discover our selection now!” can effectively drive clicks.

3. Incorporate Keywords Strategically

As with any SEO element, keywords also play an essential role in meta descriptions. Therefore, aim to incorporate your primary keyword in the meta description. Don’t just force it- make the keyword appear as natural as possible.

4. Pay Attention To Readability

Then there’s readability.

While crafting your meta description, make your sentence easy to read. You can only capture the searcher’s attention when your meta description is understandable.

Wrapping Up

It’s not difficult to understand why meta descriptions matter. For one, it offers an opportunity to pitch your content to readers.

Most times, your meta description is a factor that encourages people to click on your webpage.

Make it count.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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