What do adjectives modify? Writing Guide

Meet Pam Weber

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

Pam's Articles

What do adjectives modify? Writing Guide

What do adjectives modify? Adjectives modify nouns. They can identify a person’s mood (the happy receptionist) or…

May 12, 2022

Verbal Phrase Modifier: A Basic Guide

Verb phrase modifiers are words and phrases that modify a verb or a verb phrase in a…

May 12, 2022

Prepositional Phrase Modifier: Basic Definition and Better Usage

A prepositional phrase modifier describes or modifies the prepositional phrase in a sentence. What is a Prepositional…

May 12, 2022

A Basic Guide to Squinting Modifiers

The question “what is squinting modifer?” is more common than you might imagine. What Is a Squinting…

May 12, 2022

Usage of Adverb Modifiers in a Sentence

In grammar, a word modifies another word to add meaning and clarify the word to the reader.…

May 12, 2022

Know the Importance of Qualifier Grammar

Understanding the correct usage of qualifier grammar is essential because it is a powerful communication tool in…

May 12, 2022