How to write a formal letter to a friend

A formal letter to a friend is what you write when you want to tell them something personal. What better way to show how much you appreciate your friend than to learn how to write a letter to them?

Steps to writing a formal letter to a friend

The best thing about sending letters is that your friend can keep them as reminders of your friendship. So that years from now, they can look back at these letters and remember how good it was to be friends with you. 

Even though writing letters is an excellent way to show your gratitude, it can be hard to put your feelings into words. 

This post will teach you how to write a letter to your best friend and give you five great ideas on what to write.

Step 1: Write down your ideas

Plan out your sletter before you start writing it. During this planning phase, you should think of some questions to ask your friend. You could think about what you want to do with them in the future, what you like about them, and how they are feeling. Plan out your letter’s ideas and structure on scrap paper.

Once you’ve decided what to say in your letter, you can write a rough outline of it on scrap paper. In your outline, you could write down some questions to ask, some information about yourself, and any other unique words or phrases you want to use.

Step 2: Choose your stationery carefully

Add some cool stationery to your letter to make it more interesting. By “stationary,” we mean the paper on which you will write your letter, the envelope, and the writing tools. 

Will you use bright gel pens or a stylish fountain pen? So what about your letter paper? Does your friend like a writing paper with flowers or a more anime or cartoon-style design? 

Knowing your best friend is the key to picking good stationery. No matter what they like, try to include it in the choice of stationary.

If the paper you want to write on doesn’t have lines, you should put a piece of lined paper on it. This will ensure that your sentences are straight on the page without lines and don’t jump around.

Step 3: Begin by saying “hello”

Start by writing your friend a greeting. When writing a formal letter, you begin with “Dear.” Since this is a formal letter to your friend, you should start with “Dear (name). 

Step 4: Why are you writing?

Write the letter’s body. This is where things get scary. The part where everyone is having trouble. To make this step easier, keep reading to see how to plan out your letter on a separate piece of paper.

You can make the body of your letter as short or long as you want. Sometimes you may have a lot to say, and your letter maybe two or three pages long. Sometimes, just one or two short paragraphs will be enough to show your gratitude. 

Step 5: Finish your letter

This person is your best friend, so don’t leave them hanging. If you haven’t seen them in a while, tell them how much you missed them. Ask them if they want to meet up somewhere or talk over the phone. You should also tell them that you’re looking forward to talking to them soon or catching up.

After you’ve written your final lines, now is the time to sign off on your letter. Since it’s a formal letter to your friend, you could say “Sincerely” or “Best Regards.” 

If you forgot to mention something in the letter’s body, you could add “P.S.” after your signature. This lets you write a short note at the bottom of the letter.

Step 6: Decorate your letter

You can use whatever you want to decorate your letter. Think about your best friend’s personality, interests, and the occasion when you decide how to decorate your letter. 

Use stickers, stamps, doodles, and glitter or sparkles. Make your letter look fun and exciting. This will make your best friend want to read it. Don’t forget to decorate the envelope, too!

Top 3 writing ideas for a letter to a friend

When you’re looking at a blank page, it can be hard to think of what to say to your best friend and how to write down how you feel. Here are three ideas on what to write in a letter to your friend.

  •  Something they always say, like a phrase or word that everyone knows. 
  • Think of a hard time you both went through
  • Do you have some good or bad news to tell? 

To Wrap Up

Writing a letter to a friend is like a formal letter of recommendation. It is a medium where you can express your thoughts and feelings towards the person you are writing to. 

It’s an absorbing yet reflective process suited for both personal and formal settings. Writing a letter is a quick and easy way to strengthen your relationship with a friend.

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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