The number one purpose of reading is to increase comprehension. And to do this, you must read fluently. Reading fluency is the ability to read accurately, smoothly, and with expression.
What is Fluency?
Fluency refers specifically to one’s ability to read and comprehend what he or she has read. To have fluent reading, you first have to establish what fluency means in the first place.
Reading fluency essentially means to read accurately, smoothly, and with expression. It is defined as how many sounds you can identify and use without error in a given amount of time.
It is the rate at which a reader can read sentences, passages, paragraphs, and even books. Fluent readers pick up and use the language without hesitation and without breaking the rhythm.
The more words that a reader can comprehend, the more fluent they are. A lot of skills go into reading fluency, including speed, comprehension, and vocabulary building.
Fluency is more about the thoughts, images, and concepts you can imagine and put in your mind during a sentence. It is also about how natural of a reader you are.
Why Is Reading Fluency Important?
One of the most important skills that support becoming a better reader is fluency. Reading fluently implies exploring the text with your mind, not just jumping from word to word.
If you explore the text with your mind without distracting yourself, you can extract important facts and connect the dots with your understanding.
Readers who are fluent automatically recognize words without decoding issues. When reading silently, fluent readers group words quickly to help them gain meaning from their reading. It then translates into their understanding of the text.

The Four Components of Reading Fluency
Fluency is more than reading. Learning to read fluently is a learned skill. Mastering this skill is important because it helps you not only read better but also understand the text’s meaning better.
Fluency combines many different skills, but four stand out as the most important. They are as follows:
One of the most important aspects of reading fluency is accuracy. It requires the student to recognize and pronounce written words correctly. Correct pronunciation helps students to recall the meaning of words from their oral vocabulary.
Accuracy in reading is the ability to decode words efficiently. It requires the students to use knowledge of letters and sound relationships and blend them in the correct order.
When children are just learning to read, they are used to decoding words sound by sound. But it gradually becomes a sight word once they have decoded a word multiple times.
Reading rate is the number of correct words per minute. This speed is not a definite number but an acceptable range agreed upon by most experts. A common misconception is that fluent readers can read at a maximum speed. But it is the minimum speed children should read according to their age and grade.
The speed of reading is important because it plays a role in comprehending the text. It is apparent when someone reads fluently at a rate that makes the reading sound pleasing and natural. Continuous practice leads to automaticity in reading which is the ability to recognize and pronounce words effortlessly.
Automatic reading enables children to focus on the meaning of the text they are reading without frequently stopping for decoding words.
Expression in fluency means that when a child reads aloud, he can use the appropriate emotions. It makes the reading sound like spoken language or speech. This means that he uses proper intonation, rhythm, pauses, pitch, and stress on syllables to emphasize important words.
Expression is a combination of accuracy and rate. When a child masters this skill, he can split texts into meaningful segments leading to improved retention and comprehension. It also implies that the child understands the content he is reading.
Fluency and comprehension go hand in hand. When a child can fluently read a text and make sense of it, that is true reading comprehension. After all, there is no point in reading if you don’t understand the message it conveys. The child needs to make a connection between what he reads and his prior knowledge.
When a child struggles with decoding words, all his energy is drained in figuring out the word. As a result, he will be discouraged from practicing reading in the future and fall behind in developing reading skills.
Reading fluency is the key to independent comprehension and understanding. Readers are required to read in a way that allows them to recognize words, comprehend, and retain information from the text.
When a student can read with accuracy, rate, expression, and comprehension – that’s the true meaning of reading fluency
In the end, comprehension and understanding of a text without rushing or spacing out are all the things that make this possible. This article goes into detail on these four components and their importance in the learning to read journey.
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