How to Spell Accommodations — a Quick Spelling Guide

Meet Pam Weber

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

Pam's Articles

How to Spell Accommodations — a Quick Spelling Guide

English writing can get difficult, especially when you’re dealing with hard to spell words. You might end…

June 7, 2022

Temperature Spelling in English: the Ultimate Guide

Spelling errors in writing may seem like a minor mistake, but they do substantial damage to your…

June 7, 2022

The Spelling of Exaggerate — an Easy Guide

The spelling of exaggerate is commonly misspelled even by native English speakers. This is due to the…

June 7, 2022

How to Write Spelling of Cigarette Correctly

Double consonants in English words are always a cause of confusion and misspellings. Even the native speakers…

June 7, 2022

How to Spell Possible — a Quick Spelling Guide

English is not a phonetic language which often makes it confusing to spell words correctly. There are…

June 7, 2022

Jealous Spelling: How do you spell it?

In English, several words sound so similar to one another that people mistakenly interchange them. As a…

June 7, 2022