Numerous words in English have originated from other languages. These words usually don’t spell the way they are pronounced. The term ‘Tools’ has a Germanic base, but its pronunciation and spelling are pretty straightforward. So, how do you spell tools? This article will help you spell the word correctly and learn its use in different contexts.
What Do You Mean by Tools?
In a general sense, a tool is an instrument or a piece of handheld equipment used to do a particular kind of work. It could also mean a computer program used to control any specific function. ‘Tools’ is the plural form of ‘tool.’
Origin of the Word ‘Tool’
“Tool” first appeared in Old English as “tōl,” meaning (“tool, implement, instrument,” literally “that with which one prepares something”). It was derived from the Old Germanic “tōwalan.” This word was equivalent to “taw,” meaning “to make or prepare,” and the suffix “le” being “agentive,” meaning “that which does something.” Finally, it gives us tools, “something used to make or prepare something.”
How Do You Spell Tools?
‘Tools’ is a 5-lettered word with 2 vowels and 3 consonants. This is a 1 syllable word pronounced as /tuːl/based on the phonetic transcription in the dictionary. There’s nothing much tricky about the pronunciation and spelling of ‘tools.’ The word sounds like [toolz] in both American and British English.
We spell ‘tools’ as T-O-O-L-S with double Os, which are the only two vowels in the word.

Definition of Tools With Example Sentences
‘Tools’ can function as a noun or verb based on its use in the sentences. Below are its dictionary definitions with example sentences to follow.
As a Noun
1. an instrument, device, or object, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
- Keep the gardening tools in the backyard.
- Computers are necessary tools for every company now.
2. a person who is manipulated or exploited by others to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for them.
He would fulfill all her demands and be a tool to her someday.
3. (informal/slang) a foolish or unlikable person.
Don’t look like a total tool in front of the international audience.
As a Verb
1. impress a design or pattern on leather, especially for a book cover.
The book had a cinnamon brown leather cover tooled in black writing.
2. be equipped with tools for industrial production.
The factories must be tooled soon so that production may begin.
3. (informal) to drive or ride a vehicle in a casual manner.
He was tooling all day in his new black Mercedes-Benz.
To Wrap Up
If you’re a blogger or content writer, you know how a misspelled word can tarnish your reputation. English spellings are tricky at times but not when you know the trick to spell it right.
How do you spell tools? Simply remember it has 2 consecutive O’s, and you’ll be all good. If you need to review the spelling, meaning, and usage of the word ‘tools’ at any time, check back this article for a quick review.
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