Key Tips For Better Customer Follow Up Emails

Building stronger customer relationships should be the goal of every business. And one great way to achieve this is through customer follow-up emails. This article will share tips on crafting customer-focused follow-up emails that genuinely pay off. We’ll also look at a customer follow up email example that you can refer to.

You need to make follow-up emails a consistent part of your customer interactions. These emails should make the customer feel valued and shouldn’t feel forced. The tips in this article will surely help you do just that.

Why Customer Follow Up Emails Are Important

Following up with customers is important because it helps build relationships and keeps them updated on new products, services, or company changes. It also allows you to address any concerns and ensure they are satisfied with your company. By staying in touch with customers, you can maintain their loyalty and keep them returning for more.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Key Tips for Writing an Effective Follow Up Email

Try to jog their memory.

Personalize your follow-up after a meeting or interview by including something specific about the interaction. This can help them remember you while showing that you were attentive.

Be genuine

We all know that follow-up emails tend to be predictable and formulaic. However, you can still communicate genuinely.

Make sure you use something other than generic messaging. Think about something that can jog their memory about your previous meeting. Keep a conversational tone. This makes your email easier to read, and the person won’t feel forced to use a formal tone in their response.

Include the original message

If you are following up on an initial email, ensure the recipient can search for the original email. Click on “reply all” to your emails and remove yourself from the recipient list, so the recipient can receive all the contexts they need.

End with a clear call to action (CTA)

Your email should be easy to respond to and, thereby, actionable. And an effective way to do this is to end your email with a clear call to action.

Many follow-ups have a killer subject line or content, but their CTA is weak, so they don’t get the responses they want.

Here are some great tips for writing a good CTA:

  • Don’t make a “big ask” early in the follow-up cycle. It would be best if you built trust first. Let prospects know you better before making a deal. Start with smaller requests like a short meeting, a call, and so on.
  • Keep your language as clear as possible to avoid ambiguity. Ensure you’re clear about the next steps you want your prospect to take.
  • Don’t overdo it, and do not ask too much. You want to avoid burdening your prospect. Instead, make your CTA easy and simple, so the prospect can review it or respond quickly. For example, they can reply with a “Yes” if they’re interested in learning more about your product.

Customer Follow Up Email Example

Follow-up email after no response

Hi [Customer Name], 

I hope all is well. I wanted to check if you could look at my email from last week. I’m eager to get your feedback and would appreciate any insight you can provide.

Let me know if you have availability to chat or if there’s anything that I can help you with. Thanks!

Kind Regards,


After a purchase follow-up email

Hi [Customer Name], 

Thank you so much for placing an order with us! We’re thrilled to have you as a customer and can’t wait to get your purchase sent out to you. 

We’ll be sending your tracking information once your package ships. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thanks again, and we hope you enjoy your purchase!



Follow-up for a proposal

Hi [Customer Name], 

I hope you had a chance to review our proposal and see how we can help your business grow. We’re very excited about the potential opportunity to work together and would love to hear your feedback.

If you want to clarify any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

Thank you for your time,


After an initial meeting

Hello [Customer Name], 

Thank you for taking the time for our meeting yesterday. I enjoyed getting to know you and learning more about your business. I’m confident that we can be valuable partners to you moving forward.

As discussed, I’ll follow up with additional information about our services. In the meantime, if you have any concerns or need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working together soon. 



Follow-up after leaving the customer a voicemail

Hi there, 

I am following up regarding the voicemail I left earlier. Sorry for not being able to get a hold of you sooner, but hopefully, this email will reach you. 

As a reminder, I am writing to inquire about the possibility of scheduling a meeting to discuss your project in more detail. Please let me know when the best time for you is. 

Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Final Thoughts

Building genuine customer connections is no small task, but it can be accomplished with a great email copy.

You want your follow up email to be able to jog their memory and lay out what you want them to do next. These tips and customer follow up email example will help set the groundwork to ensure you always leave customers with a smile.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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