Customer Service Auto Reply Message Sample and Guidelines

Creating a customer service auto reply message sample or template makes it easy to stay in touch with your customers. An autoreply message is like hosting an automated phone answering service with just a few clicks.

The purpose of this article is to ensure your auto-reply email template is something businesses and customers would love to read.

The trick is to write something kind, personal, and educational. A guideline to follow and a template is invaluable. Let’s examine one to dissect its components and learn what constitutes a good autoreply email.

Guidelines for Creating a Customer Service Auto Reply Message

Creating your autoreply message is straightforward. Try the below steps for creating a messaging template for your business. 

Photo by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash

Subject Line

Because the subject line is the first thing customers will read, it is of utmost importance. You should either briefly describe the most critical aspects of the situation or give the recipient a compelling incentive to read on.

A subject line consisting of “We have received your request” is as useless as no subject line. Expressions like “I’ll get back to you” and “please be patient” don’t precisely persuade customers that they will receive a response. They aren’t all that appealing either.

Instead of saying, “We hear you,” try something like:

  • “We’re working on it.”
  • “In progress!”

Cut out any unnecessary words. Make sure you put RE: in the subject line, so the customer knows exactly what you’re emailing them about. Think about including their name if doing so is feasible.

Introductory Paragraph

The first few lines of an email are evident in the notice. Thus, the opener is just as crucial as ever. To personalize the greeting, use the customer’s name here. But suppose you don’t have access to that. You’ll have to use a “fallback” greeting in that case.

The tone you use is crucial. You shouldn’t address a potential customer as “Dear Madam/Sir” unless you’re peddling a Lamborghini. Simply saying “Hi there” to keep things cordial is all that’s needed. Consider how your consumers would like to be addressed and act accordingly. Feel free to inquire with them.

The word “thank you” is also crucial. Saying “Thanks for reaching out” can make a huge difference.

Body of Paragraph

Right now, you need to explain “why” in the email. In the body, you should detail your plan to assist the client. The timeline and method of your response should be made crystal clear.

Now is a good time to publicize your open times. Don’t just say “as soon as possible,” which isn’t very encouraging. The client has no idea what you think is feasible.

Be sure to over-deliver what you promise. Give a time frame, like 24 hours, if you know you can respond within that time frame. But remember to follow through on your promises.

Keeping your word in this part is a terrific method to earn your customer’s trust. Though you can’t always guarantee a fix, you can consistently deliver an update within the specified time frame.

Wrap Up in Style

A signature can be simply entering a name. A simple “thank you” said in the final moments is also acceptable to wrap up a conversation. Keep things on a good note, and aim to send the customer on their way with a grin. It’s always best to get right to the point in a concise manner.

When the autoresponder responds to urgent messages, it may be helpful to include additional contact information. Make sure your consumers know what to anticipate from you when they use these communication channels. Make sure that whatever dates you include are understood. You can’t use 06/05 or 11/07/21 as examples.

While the lines in an autoreply email may be brief, they convey a great deal about your company and the way you operate. Remember this when coming up with your answers.

No amount of automation will ever be able to replace actual human beings when it comes to satisfying customers. But it may be a valuable tool for both parties if appropriately utilized.

Signature Elements

A few other things could be helpful to have in your email signature. If your consumers need instant help, like a phone number, you may want to include one. Just let customers know when your phone will be answered and what will happen if they get your voicemail.

If you own an online store, you should always provide your customers with access to 

  • Their most recent order
  • Shipment tracking information
  • Frequently asked questions on refunds and exchanges.

It’s also a good idea for businesses that can respond to customers’ social media inquiries to promote their profiles.

Customer Service Auto Reply Message Sample With INK

Subject Line: 

Re: In progress! We got the memo.


Hi (customer’s name),

Thank you for reaching out to us! This is a system-generated acknowledgment of your message. One of our support representatives will get back to you within the next 24 hours.

For general questions about our product/service, you can head to our knowledge base for guides and FAQs. We would be happy to answer any specific questions that you may have. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us again if you have any questions.

Thank you for choosing (product/service)!


(agent name) 

To Wrap Up

You can create a customer service auto reply message sample with INK by following the guidelines above. Remember to make your autoreply email appropriate and relevant to the person you are writing it to. Keep it cool and professional, and add your personal touch to make it stand out as your own work.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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