Inspiring Thanksgiving Marketing Email Examples & Tips

Whether thanksgiving is close or not, it’s never too early to start planning how to take advantage of the season with your email marketing. Thanksgiving marketing email campaigns are very effective for connecting with your customers, showing appreciation, and even squeezing a few sales in.

In this blog post, we will explore some great examples of thanksgiving marketing emails. We’ll also share some proven tips that will help you leverage this important marketing medium. Whether you’re a seasoned email marketer or just starting, you’ll gain valuable insight for creating a successful thanksgiving email campaign. Get ready to leave your audience spellbound. Let’s get right to it!

Steps for Crafting Thanksgiving-themed Email Subject Lines 

Businesses are always looking for ways to capitalize on the festive spirit and holiday seasons to connect with their customers. One smart way of doing this is through email marketing campaigns. But the season comes with promotional emails flooding inboxes, so it can be challenging to craft subject lines that grab the receivers’ attention. As such, we will explore some steps for crafting attention-grabbing Thanksgiving-themed emails.

1. Use Thanksgiving-related keywords

One vital step to creating attention-grabbing thanksgiving emails is incorporating thanksgiving-related keywords like ‘feast,’ ‘family,’ and ‘gratitude’ into your email subject lines. These instantly evoke the Thanksgiving spirit and catch your subscribers’ attention.

2. Create a sense of urgency.

You can also include phrases like “just for today” or “limited time offer” in your emails. This will encourage subscribers to open them and take advantage of your thanksgiving offers quickly.

3. Emphasize exclusivity

People love feeling special, so you can include phrases like “exclusive offer for subscribers” or “only for our most loyal customers” in your email.

Personalized content like subjects’ names can make the subscribers feel valued and improve their chances of them opening your email.

4. Keep it short and sweet.

Knowing that many emails are vying for attention, you should strive to ensure your subject lines are short and to the point. Try to make your emails at most 50 characters to ensure your subject line is easily scannable and optimized for mobile devices.

5. Use wordplay or humor.

You can use a well-timed pun or witty comment to make your subject line stand out amongst hundreds of emails. However, you should be careful not to make it too cheesy or insensitive.

5 Beautiful & Inspiring Thanksgiving Marketing Email Examples

Email marketing is a great tool for connecting with customers and appreciating their loyalty, and many inspiring thanksgiving emails can help guide your efforts.


Patagonia Thanksgiving Email

Patagonia’s thanksgiving email takes a unique approach, encouraging supporters to join them in donating to environmental organizations working to help the environment.

Williams Sonoma

Williams Sonoma Thanksgiving Email
The Best of Thanksgiving (Williams-Sonoma)

Williams Sonoma’s Thanksgiving email focuses on food and entertainment, with alluring and mouth-watering images and recipes that will get readers’ attention.

Harry & David

Thankful for Each Other
Thankful for Each Other

This email from Harry & David blatantly showcases the brand’s premium products in an enticing display while also expressing gratitude to customers.


Sephora Thanksgiving Email

Sephora uses this email to offer customers a special promotion while appreciating their support.


Grammarly Thanksgiving Email

Grammarly’s Thanksgiving email is short and sweet, yet they manage to convey a heartfelt message of thanks to customers through it.

One Last Thing…

Before you leave, here are a few things to keep in mind as you plan your thanksgiving email marketing campaigns:

1. Start early

You must not wait till a few days before thanksgiving to start planning your email campaigns. Give yourself enough time to create ideas and compelling content and design attention-grabbing emails.

2. Show your gratitude

Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, so ensure your emails reflect this sentiment. Whether through heartwarming messages, charitable initiatives, or exclusive offers, you should not fail to appreciate your customers.

3. Use Email Tools to write great Thanksgiving emails.

Are you in doubt of your ability to create a compelling email, or are you looking for an extra edge in your marketing? You can use an email service or software to craft your thanksgiving emails. One such great tool is INK, an AI-powered writing assistant that can help create content that resonates with your target audience. 

With features like content optimization, headline analysis, and writing suggestions, INK is your go-to tool. If you want to create thanksgiving emails that stand out, use INK.

What Now?

There are many methods of sending Thanksgiving emails. But the examples and tips above offer great ideas for expressing gratitude, offering promotions, and sharing stories. 

Whether in retail, hospitality, or the nonprofit sector, thanksgiving emails help shape your campaigns. Don’t forget to keep it personal and engaging, and you will undoubtedly positively impact your customers and supporters.

And with the power of a tool like INK, you are on the right track to creating a thanksgiving email that drives actual results.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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