7 Unique Blog Ideas for Writers

The most important thing you can do as a writer is to inform your readership. Part of informing your readership is building relationships with them and widening your readership base.

Want to brainstorm some blog ideas for your blog? Let’s dive in to see blog ideas for writers and bloggers of every type.

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Blog Ideas for Writers — Exploring Topics That Engage Your Audience

Many writers have author websites that they use as a platform to actively write blogs. But sometimes even the best creative writers will run out of ideas for their blogs. But how might the scope of your blog expand to do so?

Here are 7 unique blog ideas to help inspire you!

1. the “How To” Idea

A how-to post is an excellent approach to draw readers to your blog. A new treatment or device is continuously being introduced, and no one can keep up with it.

It’s not everyone’s cup of tea to wade through an extensive handbook, so a quick and easy how-to guide is generally the better choice.

People nowadays are more likely to use Google to get answers to their questions. Therefore, you have a substantial opportunity of drawing a sizable audience.

With the popularity of sites like WikiHow, you may be able to attract a large readership by writing how-to guides.

Examples include:

  • How to read an excellent book like a pro
  • Learn how to keep your library in order using these quick steps
  • How to keep an organized reading list

Writing a how-to blog post may take many forms, as seen in the examples above.

2. Travel and Tours

As a writer, travel is an excellent topic to write about. People still enjoy traveling even though there are more and more ways to stay connected than ever before. For writers, there is no shortage of individuals eager to learn more about your profession.

You’ll need to focus on a specific area of interest to succeed in the travel industry. As an author, you may wish to write about your travels to book signings and other events like that.

Cliché, as it may sound, posting pictures from your latest vacation is a great way for your readers to feel more connected to you.

3. Reviews of Products and Services

Creating and hosting product reviews on a blog or website isn’t very ethical because they’re so powerful! This blogging concept for authors can be a great way to take advantage of their effectiveness!

Write as truthfully as possible about the kinds of products and services your readers will be interested in.

For fear of offending manufacturers, many product reviewers refrain from offering harsh criticism of the products they evaluate. If you adopt a fair, but brutally honest approach, it may help establish you and your site as trusted authority in your niche.

Some of the products you can review are:

  • Notebooks and pens that you cherish
  • Developing software and other writing applications
  • Products related to the subject matter of your book

Your writing niche and topics will determine the type of blog posts you publish.

4. Political Discuss

Being wary of politics is natural, given how divisive the topic can be. You may wish to write about politics because of its controversial character. Your blog readership could skyrocket despite the possibility of controversy and drama–or perhaps because of it–politics.

During an election year, political websites see a spike in traffic. You don’t even have to choose a side to benefit from this surge in popularity. Just pick a topic, start a conversation, and brace yourself for the onslaught of visitors.

5. Dummy Guides

Unlike how-to manuals, dummy guides usually cover a broader range of topics and are less narrowly focused. Beginner or dummy instructions can cover anything from hanging a TV to starting an interior design business.

Because they break down the process of achieving specific goals into simply consumable bits, beginner’s guides are extremely popular as blogging ideas for authors. As a means of establishing yourself as an expert in your field, they can serve as a terrific introduction to a specific topic.

Writers who are just starting their writing career can benefit from reading beginner guide blog topics like:

  • What to Know Before You Begin [Character, Setting, or Topic]
  • Understanding the Plot and Setting: A Beginner’s Guide
  • _________ 101: An Introduction

As a nonfiction writer, you can write a blog post summarizing the main points of your book.

This blog post should encourage readers to check out your new book. . It’s possible that a newbie could become a long-term fan and reader of your work!

6. Professional Guide

Rather than just providing a beginner’s tutorial, you might also post an expert’s guide. If you have a lot of experience with the subject topic, you may write lengthy series.

You don’t have to rely just on your knowledge when it comes to brainstorming. Many of the most valuable guides are based on considerable research, and includes data and information from acknowledged experts in the subject area. Your professional guide’s credibility will soar if you back it up with facts and references from reliable sources.

If you’re a nonfiction author, you may want to include “Bonus Materials” on your website for those who’ve already read your work. These blog entries can provide more in-depth information for the reader.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to share helpful information on your blog but aren’t ready to publish a full-blown guide, consider publishing frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you want bite-sized answers to frequently asked questions about a product, approach, or issue, use a FAQ format. Reading quickly and getting a quick fix appeals to most demographics.

Make sure to keep in mind that Google uses frequently asked questions (FAQs) as part of its Knowledge Graph. If you’re lucky enough to have your FAQ page appear on the graph, you could see an increase in visitors.

To Wrap Up

Blog ideas for writers are much like creative ideas. Before you start typing on a blank page, it is important to think about what you want your blog to be about. Most bloggers initially struggle to answer this question, but it is crucial to figure out what inspires you.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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