Free Topic Generators for Your Blog Posts

Sometimes the idea well just starts to run dry, and you’re out of topics to write about. It can happen even to the best writers. But have no fear because we’ve got some great topic generators for you here!

These online tools will give you many new topics to write about in your next article. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how easy they are to use and how quickly they can give you some great article ideas.

Check them out and see what will work best for you.

A person typing or working on something on a laptop.
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

What is a Topic Generator?

Topics generators are online tools that generate custom content topics automatically based on the information you provide to the tool. They can be useful for new writers or even experienced bloggers wanting to brainstorm and come up with new ideas for articles.

These tools are also useful for making marketing campaigns or making website content. There are a lot of topic generators on the internet — from free ones to expensive tools that require a monthly subscription. Whichever topic generator you use, make sure it is user-friendly, has great editing tools, and that it fulfills your needs.

Free Topic Generators for Your Blog Posts

There are a ton of topic generators available online that you can use without charges. Whether you’re looking to write an essay, blog, or even a research paper, you’re sure to find the perfect fit from these generators.

1. Capitalize My Title

This tool lets you generate topics that are fit for a specific audience. You can choose a topic for Business, Couples, Family, or Anyone. It can also generate essay topics for you.

It’s fast and easy to use. But take note that it only generates one topic at a time. While that may not be a bad thing, you may want to refresh the page if you are doing a lot of generating. 

2. Story Shack

This Topic Generator is designed to find you countless random topics to discuss in your next gaming adventure, story, or any other project. There’s no need to enter anything.

The one thing that you need to do is click the “Get Ideas” button. Pretty easy, right? They also have a list of up to 100 topics you can check out.

3. Research Guide

Look no further if you’re looking for topics to use in writing research papers or essays. Enter the keyword relevant to your essay topic and choose the appropriate topic from the category section. It will then give you relevant topics for your essay!

4. Random Ready

Random ready lets you enter the number of topics you want to generate. It only displays one to two-word topics, though. But it’s very user-friendly. It even lets you copy as many subjects as you need.

5. Ivy Panda

You can use Ivy Panda for your speaking or writing assignments. You may type in as many relevant keywords as you need. It will then display article titles related to your keywords.

6. Portent’s Topic Idea Generator

This Content Idea Generator allows you to create catchy title ideas for your next essay, podcast, or video. You just need to type in keywords related to your topic, and it will generate creative titles you can write about. It also helps you by giving advice that can take your article to the next level. 

How Do Topic Generators Work?

Knowing the answer to this question is important because it will help you use these tools more efficiently. A topic generator generally takes the information you enter and uses algorithms to create the topics. They can also pull topics from their database of pre-written prompts.

Your keywords are often a key factor in the output shown. The output depends on the algorithm in place. If you don’t like its results, you can always go back and edit your keywords. It’s important to note that different generators work differently, so check to see which produces the best results.

To Wrap Up

If you’re out of good ideas for your next article, a topic generator can greatly help you. They are easy to use and create an endless list of fun and creative topics you can choose from. Try out the ones we’ve listed in this article, and you’re sure to never run out of topics to write about!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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