Try These Fun Tips for Choosing a Blog Article Title

Everyone striving to establish a good online presence understands the value of a memorable blog title.

Blogs are the quintessential tool for reaching an audience and claiming your little space on the internet. Starting a blog seems simple until you realize the long-term impact of many of your early decisions. Choosing a blog article title is one of the first steps in establishing your blog. 

This article will explain blog article titles and their importance. It will also provide readers with helpful tips for choosing a blog title. 

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Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

What Is a Blog Article Title?

A blog title is the first thing readers see, which gets them to click on your articles. Blog post titles typically have five or six words and should accurately describe the article’s contents. 

They give readers a brief idea of the article’s contents. Blog titles are similar to subject lines. They capture a prospective reader’s attention and convince them to open your article.

Importance of a Blog Article Title.

Blog article titles are important for any blog post because they set the tone and topic of an article

For example: 

A blog post with a title like “6 Blogging Tips” will most likely be about finding the right approach to blogging. On the other hand, a title such as “The Importance of Blog Titles” might indicate the article is offering advice on handling blog titles.

Blog post titles are important because they communicate the value they promise to provide to a target audience.

Tips for Choosing a Blog Article Title.

Now that you understand the value of a blog, it’s time to learn how to start one. A blog title serves as your blog’s niche and sets the tone for your topics and content. Here are some tips to help you come up with a memorable blog name.

Familiarize Yourself With Popular Headline Formulas

There are many different headlines you can use depending on your subject. Like tools, some headline formulas yield better results for a particular use case than others. Some popular headline formulas are:

  • How-to headlines – promise to guide readers through a process.
  • Number headlines – start with a number and introduce a list.
  • Famous comparison – compare two popular people or things to attract readers.
  • Big promise headlines – promise readers valuable information for clicking on their article.
  • Scarcity headlines – offer exclusive information that only a few people know.

Each headline formula serves a specific purpose. Remember that headlines also set reader expectations. Make sure to always meet reader expectations. 

Take Note of Headlines You Like

Many people learn vicariously. Marketers and blog writers can do the same by observing titles that attract them. These titles don’t need to be blog titles, either. 

You can find new ideas by learning from other compelling titles from other mediums.

Do Keyword Research

Keywords are the topic and content that your blog addresses. They are also the words people use to search for a particular topic on Google. Keyword research allows you to determine the topics people are currently searching on the web. 

In order to write effectively about a particular topic, it’s important to check for key metrics such as search volume, competition, and high-information content. This will help you choose a focus keyword to rank for.

Ideally, you should choose keywords with high search volumes and low competition. It means there’s a high demand for information on a particular topic. A low competitor count means you have a greater chance of ranking high in SERPs.

Never overlook the power of SEO.

Write Multiple Titles for Each Post

Choosing a blog title requires a lot of time and effort. And all that work may not matter when your audience doesn’t click on your content. Writing multiple titles for every post allows you to share your list with co-workers to get feedback. 

Feedback is important because it helps you brainstorm and weigh your options. It provides you with insight from different perspectives.

Having multiple titles ready also makes it easy to choose a title and practices your title-writing skills.

Avoid Using Clickbait

Clickbait refers to titles designed to get people to click on the article without providing any real value to the reader. Clickbait titles are annoying and a waste of time. They tend to overpromise and exaggerate. 

Nothing good can come out of using clickbait. For one, you betray the trust and confidence of your readers. Nobody likes being fooled, and clickbait tends to do that to people. People will dislike you for over-promising and giving false hope to your readers. 

Secondly, search engines crack down hard on clickbait because they ruin the user experience. You could get your page ranked down or removed from Google’s index.

Be Specific

Any right-minded reader will want to know what they’re clicking on. Remember that people search the internet for answers. This means they are looking for certain answers that could help them.

A vague blog title leaves far too much to interpret and may even cause readers to scroll past your post. A specific blog title tells an audience the questions you aim to answer and shows the knowledge you plan to share.

Your audience can use this information to determine whether your content will give them the answers they want. Clicks and time are valuable. Nobody wants to waste them on an article that doesn’t help them.

Appeal to Reader Emotions

Choosing articles to read is often an emotional decision. Marketing leverages human emotions to generate traffic. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t effective tools. Appealing to emotions allows a business or company to connect with prospects on a personal level.

When possible, use words that evoke emotions in your audience. Try to consider what your audience feels when they click on your article and match your content with their expectations.

Cater to Your Community

You don’t need to get everyone on the internet to like your content. Your target audience should be your only priority. A laser-focused approach allows you to dedicate your resources toward attracting a targeted audience. This means that these people are likely to have shown interest in your niche. Targeted audiences tend to yield quality leads and higher conversion rates.

Know your audience, and tailor your blog titles to match their preferences and interests to get them to read your blog.

Use A/B Testing

A/B testing is a test you conduct on a website that monitors traffic. A/B testing allows you to identify the approach that your target audience loves best. It’s particularly useful when brainstorming for a blog title you want to use.

You can A/B test your two top contenders and see which title performs better. Moreover, A/B testing gives valuable insights into how your particular audience responds to different styles. This will allow you to tailor your approach to maximize your chances of getting a reader to stay. 

Use a Blog Title Generator

If you’re short on time and ideas, you may want to try using a blog title generator to ease the process. While blog title generators aren’t a magical solution to your woes, they can help generate ideas for you.

They are fairly easy to use. Simply provide a keyword and some key information, and let them provide you with ideas to choose from.

The Bottom Line

A Blog article title is an important component of blog posts because they influence how people conceptualize the content. There are many things to consider when writing a good blog title, but the most important should be to provide value to your readers.

Remember to practice these tips if you’re struggling to write a catchy blog title.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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