Best Tips for Writing a Great Blog

Anyone who has read a blog post has taken in information from a thought leader who is a pro in their field. The author or company who created the content might have contributed to your blog post if it was well-written.

Blogging is a great way to connect with your audience and take advantage of its many benefits. These include recognition from a new audience you haven’t reached yet, organic traffic from search engines and promotional content for social media.

This is why we decided to dedicate today’s post to the best tips and tricks for writing a great blog! If this interests you, keep on reading!

What Do Successful Blogs Have in Common?

a person wearing a black sweater typing on laptop computer
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Whatever method readers use to find your blog, the content is what keeps them coming back. People prefer information that helps in the age of information overload.

Instead of false or exaggerated reports, readers need fact-checked articles. They desire a straightforward direction that is simple to follow. And as the blogger, you want them to find reading your posts so enjoyable that they happily continue browsing your website and proceed.

More people are exposed to and are persuaded by high-quality content, which increases conversion rates. The information you provide should be engaging, accurate, brief, and useful.

With a personal blog, you can get away with publishing infrequently. But for business blogs, this is rarely the case.

Imagine discovering a fantastic blog with helpful information before learning that the most recent entry was three months ago. And the previous one was released six months earlier.

While consistent, once-a-month posting is insufficient for a profitable blog. For consistent traffic, especially in the beginning, you must post frequently.

At the very least, try to post once per week. You must schedule a time to create the blog content. You must accomplish this by planning it out at least one month in advance.

Consider using a content idea generator if you need assistance coming up with blog post topics. It takes work to be consistent; it doesn’t just happen. Keep your mind fresh throughout the month by keeping a content calendar.

Tips & Tricks for Writing a Great Blog

Knowing your target audience will help you write the best content possible. Find out more about your ideal customers can learn more about the problems and objections of your ideal customers. Your chances of hitting on these points when writing posts will increase as you become more familiar with your audience. 

Contrary to popular belief, most of us do judge a book by its cover. We only consider the headline and featured image when evaluating blog content. Utilizing these opportunities to the fullest on your website will aid in grabbing the attention of your visitors. Not only that, but it will also persuade them to read your content. 

Use brief headlines that highlight a particular market segment within your sector. The business would write a headline in the previous example emphasizing raising conversion rates. 

Notably, how-to manuals and listicle articles perform better than other headline types. Therefore, you might want to take a previously discussed topic and give it a guide or list twist for increased engagement. 

A blog that emphasizes formatting as opposed to one that minimizes this critical subject is vastly different. The post’s dense text and absence of headers likely made it challenging to read. 

You should never want your readers to experience tension or annoyance as they read your articles. The best way to avoid this issue is to use short, simple-to-read sentences and paragraphs with one to four sentences. Additionally, use bullet-point lists and headers to identify each section whenever possible. 

This formatting is easy to scan, compatible with mobile devices, and produces fantastic content for social media sharing. Consider your formatting carefully when writing content for your website and consider whether you would enjoy reading the post if you were a visitor. 


Many see people look at blogs as a dying medium on the Internet. Well, that could not be more wrong, but not for the people you might think. Yes, personal blogs are long gone — only a handful of successful personal blogs exist now. However, for businesses, it is still incredibly important to have good and consistent blog posts.

That’s why it’s important to do your research before starting blogging for your business willy-nilly. The first step in this process is to ask: who is my audience? Before hiring writers to write 1000-word blog posts, you have to know who your audience is. Make sure you understand what they want, and focus writing content on what they want. Create blogging content that will help them, like guides related to your business. That’s why it’s important to choose your content in a strategic way. Add posts about topics that relate in a clear manner to your marketing efforts.

Another important thing for a good blog is to practice good SEO. You can offer links to other pages on your blog that would result in a conversion. Visitors would be compelled to click them to find themselves in the right spot to buy something.

And perhaps most importantly, you have to create and publish articles and blog posts in a consistent manner. Great websites for blogs don’t publish blog posts every two months. They create and publish blog posts on new topics every week.

We hope you liked our guide on tips for writing a great blog. If you want to improve your blog writing, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list for more tips and resources. If you have any more questions or comments, feel free to let us know!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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