7 Blog Post Formats to Engage Your Readers

Businesses who blogged 16+ times per month attracted 4.5 times as many potential customers as those that just used traditional tactics.

Have you considered which blog layout is best for your content marketing strategy?

The good news is that you may use any one of numerous blog styles to boost your online presence and attract more readers.

Please remember that some blog entries will have not one, but two, or even three distinct formats.

The objective is to think about how to structure your blog post in the most effective way possible, given its focus. We’ve produced a list of the seven most popular blog post formats to help you attract more readers and drive content sharing. Enjoy!

MacBook Pro on table beside white iMac and Magic Mouse
MacBook Pro on table beside white iMac and Magic Mouse

Blog Post Format Examples to Engage Your Readers

It’s important to consider your perspective, but you must also consider your audience. You can use many blog formats, depending on where your blog plans to go.

Check your blog’s statistics to determine which types of content your readers enjoy the most. Here are our seven best blog post format examples to explore:

1. The How-To Post

This is arguably the most common way for business-to-business bloggers to present their content. This makes sense, given they excel in two areas that inbound marketers prioritize greatly:

They work wonderfully for the informative content that forms the foundation of inbound marketing strategies. Individuals who look for how-to articles online bring in traffic from search engines.

When you want to share knowledge with your readers that they can put into practice, a how-to piece is a way to go. This type of blog post typically takes the shape of a numbered list. These posts generally follow the pattern “X Steps to Doing Something,” where “X” is a number greater than 1.

2. The ‘What’ Post

If you want to introduce a new idea to your audience and explain its significance, the “what” post is the way to go. Those seeking a comprehensive explanation of the importance of the subject can use it to find the answer to the query “what is…”.

Remember that you, not your reader, are the subject-matter expert while planning the structure of a “What” blog post. Here are several ways to break down the topic for your reader:

Don’t use specialized terms. Don’t bother with analogies unless you’re sure your viewers will understand the things being compared. Be concise in your writing.

You may also consider submitting your content to Google for consideration as a featured snippet. For well-structured content and uses effective keywords, Google may select a portion to display as a featured snippet in response to a search query. 

3. The ‘Why’ Post

A “why” post can highlight a current trend, new tool, or general principle. The “why” section is largely an introduction, but it answers “why” to highlight the subject’s importance.

The “Why?” post is also a great candidate for Google’s featured snippets since it answers all those “Why?” searches.

4. The List Post

Another common type of blog post is the listicle, a combination of the words “list” and “article.” There’s a chance it’s the most widely used format right now.

Why? In short, it’s a winning recipe. A list article promises value to the reader by listing various reasons, secrets, types, or ways to do something. Numbers in titles indicate list-style articles (either to list steps or items).

The list post has a bad reputation and is regarded subpar. It’s a standard format for many low-quality blogs.

When done by an expert, enumerating points, techniques, or concepts can offer valuable information (and high-quantity traffic).

5. The Recommended Post

A curated post is a collection of links to relevant resources on a particular topic.

That’s it? It often is, but there is a trade-off in the time spent researching. Blog readers value the convenience finding all the information they need in a single post, rather than spending time fruitlessly browsing the web. Articles compile information, like statistics or case studies, and work well as curated pieces. You may gain credibility with your audience by associating yourself with respected authorities in your field.

If another blogger reaches out to thank you for linking to their blog, don’t waste the opportunity to ask for some requited love. This post is excellent for establishing yourself as a go-to resource and building relationships with other bloggers and businesses you reference in the post. Do not forget to ask for a do-follow link back to your blog.

6. A Cultural or Amusing Post

Your readers may appreciate a break from the serious content with a humorous piece written just for fun. Just ensure you check the frequency of such posts.

This post has no particular format; it is organized according to the content you are presenting. Maybe you’re wondering why I’m writing this blog article. But the point is merely to make your intended audience laugh now and then. Writing about exciting topics doesn’t mean you can’t show off your character and sense of humor.

These pieces are especially welcome around special occasions or weekends when readers are eager for a change of pace from the norm. But! Always keep your customer persona in mind and make sure the stuff you share is relevant, engaging, and entertaining for them.

7. The Infographic Post

Infographics have exploded in popularity among business-to-business (B2B) marketers because of the wealth of information (especially data or statistics) they can convey about their products and services.

Spending time and energy creating an infographic for a post is crazy. But, the potential for widespread social sharing and backlinks makes the effort worthwhile.

Keep in mind that it takes more than just a change in blog layout to see a spike in readership or more sign-ups. Identifying your target demographic before deciding on a blog format can help you tailor your material to the most relevant keywords.

Before deciding on your next blog post’s topic, check your stats to determine which of these seven posts has been the most popular.

Make sure your blog is simple to read and has an enticing call to action, regardless of your style. Images, bolded text, and descriptive meta tags can all help draw attention to the article’s content. If you want people across the web to read your free blog, add a “click to tweet” button or other social media sharing options.

To Wrap Up

These blog post format examplesrepresent opportunities for you to create a connection with your audience. Knowing what to develop and what format you want to use will help you build a strong bond with your reader. It will also help your post get more traction, engage, and keep your reader coming back.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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