Guide to Better Business Plan Market Analysis

Market analysis is a vital section of any business plan. It provides a comprehensive market understanding, including its size, potential growth, trends, and competition.

Market analysis is critical for businesses of all sizes, whether startups or established companies. It helps identify opportunities, risks, and gaps in the market.

In this article, we’ll talk about why market analysis is important in a business plan and what its key parts are. We’ll also provide an example of business plan market analysis.

Let’s get started on how to conduct market analysis effectively.

What Is Market Analysis?

Market analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about a specific market to understand its characteristics, dynamics, trends, and opportunities.

Market analysis aims to identify the potential demand for a product or service in a particular market. It also helps to assess the competition and determine the feasibility of a business idea.

Market analysis involves collecting and analyzing data from various sources, including market research reports, industry publications, government data, and consumer surveys. It consists in assessing the size of the market, the growth potential and the target audience. Market analysis also checks the competition, and the trends and opportunities in the market.

Market analysis is an essential component of any business plan. It helps identify a business idea’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).

Market analysis also provides valuable insights into the business idea’s feasibility and the potential demand for the product or service. It reveals methods for distinguishing oneself from the competition.

Importance of Market Analysis in a Business Plan

Market analysis plays a crucial role in developing a successful business plan. It helps entrepreneurs identify market opportunities, understand customer needs, and create a competitive strategy. Market analysis enables businesses to make informed decisions based on data and insights rather than assumptions or guesses.

Market analysis also helps businesses assess the feasibility of their business idea. By analyzing the market, entrepreneurs can determine whether their product or service is in demand.

They can also find out what the competition looks like and whether there is room for growth. This information is critical for developing a realistic business plan and securing funding from investors or lenders.

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Components of Market Analysis

To conduct practical market analysis, businesses should consider the following key components:

Market Size and Growth Potential

The first component of market analysis is determining the size of the market and its potential for growth.

This involves researching the number of potential customers, the total revenue generated by the market, and the current and projected growth rates. This information provides a foundation for estimating the size of the market and identifying its growth potential.

Target Market

Once the size and growth potential of the market has been established, the next step is identifying the target market. This involves understanding the target audience’s demographics, psychographics, and behavior.

Demographic data include age, gender, income, education, and geographic location, while psychographic data includes values, beliefs, and lifestyle. Understanding the target market is critical for developing a marketing strategy that resonates with the audience and addresses their needs.


Assessing the competition is an essential component of market analysis. It is important to analyze the market share and pricing strategies of current rivals in addition to their strengths and limitations.

Understanding the competition helps businesses develop a competitive process that differentiates them from other players in the market.

Market Trends

Market trends are another critical component of market analysis. This involves analyzing changes in the market, such as new technologies, regulations, or consumer preferences. Understanding market trends helps businesses identify opportunities for growth and stay ahead of the competition.

Barriers to Entry

Finally, businesses should consider the barriers to entry into the market. This includes factors such as capital requirements, regulatory restrictions, and competitive landscape.

Understanding the barriers to entry helps businesses assess the feasibility of entering the market and develop a strategy for overcoming obstacles.

How to Conduct Market Analysis

Conducting market analysis involves a combination of primary and secondary research.

Primary research involves collecting data directly from customers or the market, while secondary research involves analyzing existing data and market reports.

Define the Research Objectives

The first step in conducting market analysis is defining the research objectives. This involves identifying the specific questions the analysis will answer, such as the size of the market, target audience, or competition.

Defining the research objectives helps businesses focus their research efforts and collect relevant data.

Collect Secondary Data

The next step is collecting secondary data from existing sources, such as market reports, industry publications, or government statistics.

Secondary data provides a foundation for understanding the market and identifying trends. It also helps businesses assess the feasibility of their business idea by analyzing the competition and the regulatory environment.

Conduct Primary Research

Once secondary data has been collected, the next step is conducting primary research. This involves collecting data directly from the market through surveys, focus groups, or interviews.

Primary research gives businesses insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. It also helps companies identify market gaps that they can address.

Analyze the Data

After collecting primary and secondary data, the next step is analyzing the data. This means putting the data in order and making sense of it to find trends, patterns, and insights.

Businesses can use various tools and techniques, such as statistical analysis, to make sense of the data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Develop Recommendations

Organizations may improve their marketing tactics by taking into account suggestions gleaned from data analysis. This includes identifying the target market, developing a competitive strategy, and assessing the business idea’s feasibility.

The recommendations should be based on data and insights rather than assumptions or guesses.

Tips on How to Write an Example of Business Plan Market Analysis

Here are some suggestions for writing a business plan market analysis:

Use Reliable Sources

When conducting market analysis, it is essential to use reliable data sources. This includes reputable market research reports, government data, industry publications, and academic studies. Be sure to cite your sources properly and use current data to ensure accuracy.

Be Specific

Your market analysis should be specific and tailored to your business. Use data and information that is relevant to your industry, target market, and geographic location. Avoid making generalizations or assumptions about the market without supporting evidence.

Focus on Key Components

The key components of market analysis include market size and growth potential, target market, competition, market trends, and barriers to entry. Be sure to address each component in your analysis and provide detailed information and insights.

Use Data Visualization

Tools for visualizing data like charts, graphs, and tables can help present complex data in a way that is easier to understand. Use data visualization to highlight key trends, patterns, and insights from your analysis.

Consider Multiple Perspectives

When conducting market analysis, it is essential to consider multiple perspectives. This includes the perspective of your customers, competitors, and industry experts. Try to understand the market from all angles to comprehensively understand the market dynamics.

Be Realistic

When developing recommendations based on your analysis, be realistic about the opportunities and challenges that your business may face. Avoid making assumptions or overly optimistic projections without supporting evidence. Use data and insights to develop a realistic marketing strategy that can be implemented successfully.

Example of Business Plan Market Analysis

Let’s take a hypothetical example of a small coffee shop looking to expand its business. The coffee shop has been operating successfully for the past year and has developed a loyal customer base. Its owner wants to expand the business by opening a second location in a different part of town. The following is an example of the market analysis section of the business plan for the coffee shop:

Market Size and Growth Potential:

The coffee industry is a growing market, with a projected growth rate of 5.5% over the next five years. The coffee market in our target area is estimated to be worth $20 million annually, with a projected growth rate of 3% per year. This suggests that there is significant potential for growth in the coffee industry in our target area.

Target Market

Our target market for the new location is young professionals between the ages of 25 and 40 who live and work in the area. This demographic is known to frequent coffee shops and is willing to pay a premium for high-quality coffee and a comfortable atmosphere. We will also target students from nearby universities who are looking for a place to study and socialize.


The area currently has four coffee shops, including two major chains and two independent shops. However, none of these coffee shops offer the same high-quality, handcrafted coffee and unique atmosphere that we provide. Our focus on quality and customer service will set us apart from the competition.

Market Trends

The coffee industry is constantly evolving, with new trends and innovations always emerging. The growing demand for high-quality, artisanal coffee is one of the most important trends in the coffee business. People are willing to pay more for high-quality, unique coffee. We believe that our focus on handcrafted coffee and customer service will appeal to this trend.

Barriers to Entry

One of the main barriers to entry in the coffee industry is the high cost of equipment and supplies. Additionally, the coffee industry is highly competitive, and it can be challenging for new businesses to gain a foothold. However, we believe that our existing customer base and reputation for quality will help us overcome these barriers.

Based on our market analysis, we believe there is significant potential for growth in the coffee industry in our target area. We have identified our target market, assessed the competition, and analyzed market trends and barriers to entry. Our focus on quality and customer service will set us apart from the competition. We are confident that we can succeed in our expansion plans.

In Summary

Market analysis is an essential component of any business plan. It gives businesses a comprehensive understanding of the market, including its size, potential growth, trends, and competition. Conducting market analysis helps businesses identify opportunities, risks, and gaps in the market, and develop a competitive strategy based on data and insights.

To conduct effective market analysis, businesses should consider the key market size and growth potential components. They should also focus on target market, competition, market trends, and barriers to entry. They should also use a combination of primary and secondary research to collect and analyze data and develop recommendations based on the analysis.

By conducting market analysis, businesses can develop a realistic business plan, identify opportunities for growth, and secure funding from investors or lenders. Market analysis is a critical step in building a successful business and staying ahead of the competition. Practice with the example of business plan market analysis provided and expect great results!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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