Casual Style of Communication: The Appropriate and Effective Use

A casual style of communication is characterized by everyday language use, as opposed to a formal style. This type of language use is more appropriate for individuals with a personal relationship.

What is a Casual Style of Communication?

A casual style of communication, as the term implies, brings to mind informal conversation, often between friends and acquaintances. It is easy to approach, free of all pretense, and is not used for high-pressure conversations.

You would want to use a casual communication style with people you are familiar with and trust.

Casual communication occurs with friends, family, and individuals in business, entertainment, and other walks of life. It is commonly used in social events such as a friend’s birthday, a wedding, or a party.

The casual communication style tends to be informal and relaxed, but not “rude” or without manners. It uses slang languages or expressions that can easily be understood without giving too much information.

Features of Casual Communication Style

The casual communication style is used when you write or speak to familiar people. It allows you to use expressive language. The subject matter of the conversation is usually informal and relaxed.

Often, casual speakers intend to maintain the flow of dialogue rather than say anything extraordinary or use specific expressions or vocabulary.

The following features are peculiar to the casual communication.

  • Jokes and humor.
  • Slang language: “Wow,” “That’s cool.”
  • Informal abbreviations.
  • Use of abbreviations or slang symbols rather than complete words in writing.
  • The speaker allows the listener to interrupt and participate in the conversation.
  • Use of contractions: “That’s true,” “What’re you up to?” “Where’d she go?” “That’s great.”

When is it Appropriate to Use the Casual Style of communication?

The casual speech style is a style of speaking that is warm, friendly, easygoing, informal, and often uses slang. In casual communication, the speaker is comfortable and at ease. The listener is focused on the speaker’s message rather than how they express it.

The casual style of speaking is also characterized as informal, candid, and timely and does not often address the conventional communication rules. You can use the casual speech style in the following scenarios.

  • When speaking with family and friends: The casual style of speaking is the most appropriate to use with friends and family.
  • In a social event/gathering: You would use this communication style during a special event such as a wedding or party.
  • When the audience is well-known to you: When communicating with a familiar audience, you want to express yourself quickly and effectively. It is best to use the casual speech style when your message requires a high level of emotion that you want to convey.
  • When speaking to your employees and client: The casual communication style is generally used to communicate with clients. It helps maintain a friendly, informal and relaxed atmosphere. As an employer, you would use the casual communication style to talk to your employees about company business.
  • When speaking to your business partners: The casual style of communication emphasizes informality, ease of communication, and lack of rules and formalities. Even though we may dress formally, we do not necessarily communicate that way. You can be in business attire and speak in a casual language with ease.

To Wrap Up

The casual communication style is less formal in that it allows for more animated communication and a friendly tone. It is acceptable to use slang and contractions to communicate when speaking casually. However, they should never be used too often to be considered signs of inappropriateness or mockery.

It would be best to use the casual communication style only when the audience or person being addressed is relaxed and familiar to you.

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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