Simplifying the Complex Writing Is Key to Increasing Clarity

Clarity is improved when you use simple writing because it focuses on the task and goals of the reader. If your wording is complex, your audience will not get what you’re saying. Therefore, simplifying the complex content is essential to keeping your audiences’ attention. 

How to Simplify a Complex Topic for Non-Experts

Information that is not understood by the target audience is not helpful. 

Researchers must share their findings with the masses, organizations must craft a narrative around their data, or employers must explain a process to employees. 

To make your words valuable, people need to understand them first. It would be best to think of different perspectives to communicate your message better. 

Let’s look at five practical steps to simplify complex concepts:

Step 1: Identify the Issue

This is the step that identifies what the “thing” is that you are “explaining” or “defining.” It would help if you started by identifying what something is, what it means, or why it is important. Make sure to create a copy that is easy to read and sounds good to people. 

The best method to simplify complex text is by identifying the problem first and then working out how to solve it. 

Step 2: Note Down the Relevant Points

You should gather all the details you need to share, remove anything that isn’t essential, and use it to your advantage. It’s tempting to include every small element in your article if you have a deep comprehension or enthusiasm for a subject. 

However, you must keep in mind that too many details can obscure the message and confuse the readers. Therefore, you must determine which parts of the text to keep and which to discard.

Step 3: Organize Your Article

You must presume that your audience has no prior knowledge of your topic, and you need to organize your content accordingly. 

If you don’t want your audience to go off-track, structure your article by adding visuals that convey the message clearly. 

When your article is well organized with a good structure, it won’t drive people away from your website. 

Step 4: Create a Comprehensive Format

When it comes to improving comprehension for the non-experts, formatting your material has an important role. Avoid over-formatting by using too many graphics, fonts, or colors, but use formatting which improves readability.

You can use heading to structure your paragraphs and make a bulleted list for the key points. Moreover, you can also try playing around with different colors to highlight important text. But make sure it is easy on the eyes.

Step 5: Use Clear and Concise Language

Using short sentences is a great technique to enhance readability. Remember that simpler sentences are easier to read and communicate your message better. For example, simplifying a complex topic will increase the clarity of the overall text and will result in a higher level of comprehension. 

Straightforward sentences do not sacrifice information or the complexity of the topic. It helps to improve the word choices so that the main message remains clear and concise. Using an active tone of voice keeps sentences precise and to the point. 

Try explaining your idea in simple language with examples to improve the readability of your text. 

brown wooden scrabble tiles with the words ITS SIMPLE
Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Importance of Simplifying the Complex Phrases

The complexity of phrases can have a detrimental impact on the reader’s ability to comprehend effectively. Comparing an article to a more complex subject like the solar system can be too much for many students. 

Crafting a well-formed pitch is really important in today’s age of technology, where everyone has access to a phone, a computer, and the internet. Your words need to be concise and on point, but a more complex message is required to get there. 

Just like simplifying a complex fraction and number is essential in mathematics, the same applies to text. 

Even though multi-page articles can be intimidating, a clear structure can make complex explanations more accessible. 


Complex content must be simplified to improve clarity for readers as advanced technologies evolve in the 21st century. Whether for business or personal work, you need to simplify complex terms with examples for a broader reach. 

If you want to engage your readers, you need to know them first!

This article is all about simplifying content to improve the readability of your text and reach your target audience!

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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