Using the right synonym in your writing is one way to create engaging content. What’s more, knowing the right avoid synonym examples to use will do the trick.
As a writer, it’s always a good idea to read a thesaurus. Not only is this an excellent way to improve your writing, but it can also make your vocabulary better.
With that said, this article can come in handy when you don’t have a thesaurus.
The Definition of Avoid
The dictionary defines “avoid” as a verb. When you avoid someone, you keep yourself distanced. Avoid can be defined as not preventing a particular event or occurrence from happening. Such act also describes a decision to keep oneself far from something or someone.
- Kimberly started to avoid Charmaine when she knew about her affair with James.
- Do you love to avoid us?
- From now on, I will avoid delivering food from McDonald’s
- You will find it interesting to avoid cigarettes and alcohol.
- Please start to avoid getting impatient.
Avoid Synonym — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
Similar terms for Avoid include away, clear, prevent, keep away from, circumvent, eschew, and steer clear of.

One of the closest similar terms for “avoid” is “away.” It derives from the Old English term “aweg,” meaning “on one’s way.” You can also use this word when you’re far from someone.
- Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!
Although this word means “no mark” or “no signs,” it may also indicate “do not partake.” It came from the Latin term “clarus,” which means “luminous.”
- Clear yourself from the cases filed against you.
“Prevent” came from the Latin term “praevenire,” which stands for “preceded” or “hindered.”
- From now on, Michael will prevent the unvaccinated from entering his store.
Avoid Antonyms — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
“Accept” is a widely used opposite term for “avoid.” It came from the Latin word “accipere,” meaning “take something to oneself.”
- Please accept my apology regarding yesterday’s incident.
Another opposite term for “avoid” is “pursue.” It came from the Latin term “prosequi,” meaning “to prosecute” or “chase.”
- When the time comes, Crystal will pursue her bachelor’s studies at Cambridge University.
To Wrap Up
A synonym is a word with a similar meaning to another word. Synonyms are typically used to describe words or phrases in situations where greater precision is desired. Consider using the avoid synonym examples above to make your writing more engaging.
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