A synonym is a word with the exact or similar meaning as another word. The English word ‘explore’ has many synonyms. Some popular ones are analyze, examine and probe. You can use an explore synonym that suits your context to communicate your thoughts uniquely.
This article analyzes the word ‘explore,’ its definitions, synonyms, and antonyms with sentence examples to help you understand its usage.
The Definition of Explore
The word ‘explore’ is an English word derived from the Middle French word explorer, from Latin explōrāre (“to investigate, search out”), from ex (“out”) + plōrāre (“to cry”).
Explore is a verb that means ‘to travel through or into.’ When you investigate something or delve into it, you explore it. You can explore an idea, a location, a country, or an interest to understand it better.
The dictionary defines the word explore as “seeking for something or after someone.” It also means “to examine or investigate something systematically.” The term ‘explore’ means to travel somewhere searching for discovery or to seek first-hand experience. The term is common in medicine and refers to “examining diagnostically.”
Sentence Examples
- The government needs to explore ways of improving security in the country.
- Can we explore the possibilities of improving our next project?
- Martha and I explored every possible option, but we couldn’t come up with a better result.
- Colonists came to explore a new world in America.
- If you want to explore the countryside, you should do so on foot.
- Dubai is a beautiful city to explore.
- I’m thinking of exploring the possibility of a part-time job while I also study.
Explore Synonym — Exploring words with Similar Meanings
‘Analyze’ is a common explore synonym. Others similar terms include examine, probe, research, investigate, delve into, scrutinize, search, seek, and inquire. Let’s explore some of these terms, their etymology, and definitions.
1. Analyze
Analyze is from the French word ‘analyser’ “to dissect, take to pieces.” The word analyze means “examining critically, to get the essence of something.”
- Deborah tried to analyze the cause of her failure in the recent exams.
- Please analyze this problem in detail and submit a report.
2. Examine
The term ‘examine’ comes from Middle English examinen, examenen, Old French examiner, and Latin exāmināre. Examine is to inspect or observe critically or carefully or critically.
- David stood outside, examining the cloud.
- The doctor examined Jerry’s injury and prescribed some medications.
3. Probe
Probe is an English word borrowed from Latin probare (“to test, examine, prove”) and probus (“good”). To probe is to investigate or question.
- The police probe into the frequent thefts led to several arrests.
- The lawyer probed deeply into my personal affairs which made me uncomfortable.
4. Research
The word research is derived from the Middle French “recherche,” which means “to go about seeking.” To research means to investigate extensively or examine with continued care; to seek diligently.
- Mary researched the effect of drug abuse on youths.
- We’re still researching a cure for cancer.
5. Investigate
‘Investigate’ came from Latin investīgātiō (“a searching into”), from investīgātus, the past participle of ‘investigare,’ equivalent to in- + vestigate. To investigate means to inquire into or study to ascertain facts or information. It also means to examine or scrutinize to discover something hidden.
- Nathan’s job is to investigate happenings in communities.
- A committee was established to investigate the bridge of the company’s security.
Antonyms for Explore — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
1. Neglect
Neglect is an English verb borrowed from Latin neglēctus, the perfect passive participle of neglegō (“make light of, disregard, not to pick up”). Neglect means “failing to care for or attend to something.”
- Henry neglected the task his mother gave him.
- Mr. Dave took to drugs and neglected his duty as the head of the family.
2. Ignore
Ignore is an English word that originates from French ignorer, Latin ignōrō (“to not know, take no notice of”), ignārus (“not knowing”), from in + gnārus (“knowing”). Ignore means “to fail to pay attention to something; to deliberately not listen.”
- Jerry ignored his brother, who was talking to him.
- I’ll advise you to ignore Caren; she’s only trying to get to you.
3. Overlook
Overlook is from Middle English overloken; equivalent to over- + look. The term means to fail to notice; look over or beyond something without seeing it.
- Patrick is in love, which is why he overlooks Michelle’s wrongs.
- The principal decided to overlook our mistake this time; we might not get lucky again.

To Wrap Up
Knowing a variety of synonyms for a word is essential to create some form of diversity in your writing. Use this synonym guide to learn the synonyms and antonyms for the word ‘explore.’ A thesaurus can be helpful to you if you need to know other synonyms for explore.
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