Word choice is what differentiates a good article from a great article. That’s why it’s best not to use words redundantly in your piece. You’ll end up sounding dull and boring. But it can be hard to find a hardship synonym that you can use to express your point eloquently.
Fortunately, this guide is here to help you out. We’ve compiled some of the most closely related terms to hardship. You’ll also get to know their respective meanings, along with some sample sentences. Let’s delve right into it!

The Definition of Hardship
The dictionary defines hardship as “something difficult to bear or endure.” It is also defined as “uncomfortable, unpleasant, or trying experiences.”
A hardship causes pain and difficulty. Types of hardships could include physical or mental distress such as poverty, losing a loved one or close relationships, or battling addiction or illness.
- All the hardships we endured in the past were worth it.
- Remember that in the end, hardship leads to growth.
- Economic hardship has taken its toll on a lot of families.
- My mom helps me deal with life’s hardships.
Hardship Synonyms — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
Adversity is a problematic situation that becomes a hardship for a person. People struggling with adversity may experience physical, social, mental, or financial upset.
- Despite the adversities, she continued to live, laugh, and love.
Difficulties are hard to accomplish or deal with. It takes a lot of effort and skill to overcome a difficulty. Examples of difficulties are learning to ride a bike or solving math problems.
- He had great difficulty walking after his injury.
From the Latin term “periculum,” peril refers to an immediate and severe danger. A peril can either cause destruction, injury, or loss.
- We were unaware of the perils of hiking in the Grand Canyon.
Hazard can be defined as a continual threat against a person or idea at any given time. According to a thesaurus, the following are synonyms of the term: catastrophe, disaster, downfall, and risk.
- Toxic waste from the factory has become a health hazard for nearby villages.
Hardship Antonyms — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
Anything that puts someone or something in a more favorable or superior position can be considered an advantage. An advantage is a hidden asset that a person has in any given situation, but it is not necessarily a literal material asset.
- His experienced coach gave him an advantage over the other players.
Fortune refers to a more prosperous state. It could refer to good things that happen to you or good fortune due to your actions. It is an opportunity or profit that is good. People often associate fortune with luck.
- My mom used to buy a lot of charms to bring her good fortune.
Favors are acts of kindness granted to someone, usually in return for a debt of gratitude or services rendered. It is to give approval or support to someone beyond the expected due.
- Our professor favors punctual students.
To Wrap Up
Now that you’ve added some hardship synonyms to your vocabulary, your writing can have more variety. You’ll also be able to convey your points more clearly. And now, for the exciting part, it’s time to try using these terms in your next great article. Good luck!
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