Not much thought usually goes into when we want to use the word “practice” in our writing. It could lead to repetition and over-stressing the same term, again and again, hampering the engagement factor in your work. Therefore, use synonyms and antonyms in your writing to make it rich, unique, and interesting.
Here’s a practice synonym guide to improve your English vocabulary and enrich your writing skills.
The Definition of Practice
According to the English Dictionary, “practice” is a noun, but the spelling ‘practise’ is used as a verb. The term refers to the customary or habitual procedure of doing something repeatedly to learn or improve. It can also refer to the actual application or implementation of an idea, belief, or theory instead of just the theories around it. You may also use practice to denote repeated training to acquire a particular skill.
- I’m a firm believer in “Practice makes Perfect.”
- I have soccer practice after school.
- Putting his advice into practice really helped.
- I need to practice more to grasp the concept.

Practice Synonym — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
‘Application’ comes from the Latin application and the verb applicare, meaning “to join” or “to attach.” It refers to the act of putting something into operation for a particular purpose.
- The complicated application of math problems made me dizzy.
- A little patience and application will take us a long way.
‘Habit’ originates from the Latin habere, which means “to have, to consist.” It refers to some tendency, practice, or usual manner of behavior that you do regularly, often without knowing you are doing it.
- It’s extremely tough to break the force of habit.
- He had a bad habit of being too nosy.
‘Method’ comes from the Greek methodos, meaning “scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, investigation.” The term refers to a particular way or process for attaining or approaching something and is usually a systematic or established procedure.
- I didn’t understand his method of solving the problem.
- They developed a new method to run the organization smoothly.
The word is derived from the Latin verb exercēre, which means “to train, practice, to keep at work.” The term refers to the action of putting something into use, action, or practice for a specific purpose.
- The exercise of patience had paid off for her.
- The next task required me to exercise caution.
‘Custom’ comes from Old French coustume, based on Latin consuetudo, which means “become accustomed.” It refers to a way of behaving or doing things that have been established and widely accepted for a long time in society.
- I sometimes question the customs of our region.
- She’s well-acquainted with the customs around here.
Practice Antonyms — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
‘Disorganization’ comes from the French désorganiser where dés means “not, opposite of” and organiser means “organize.” The term refers to a lack or breaking up of proper order, system, planning, or control.
- I blame the failure on my disorganization.
- While working, disorganization is the main thing you want to avoid.
‘Neglect’ comes from the Latin root words of neg– meaning ‘not’ and legere, meaning ‘choose, pick up.’ It is the state of being uncared for or treated with little respect and attention. It also refers to the act of leaving something incomplete or unattended.
- The babysitter treated the children with neglect.
- The house had a depressing aura of neglect.
‘Abstention’ comes from the Latin word abstinentia, meaning “abstinence, starvation; self-restraint, integrity.” The term refers to the restraint in how much one consumes. In other words, it means to choose not to do or have something.
- The doctor advised long-term abstention from drinking.
- Abstention from drinking is necessary for your health.
‘Ignorance’ comes from the Latin word ignorare, meaning “to ignore, be ignorant of.” The term refers to the quality of a lack of understanding, knowledge, or education in a person.
- Due to his ignorance, he ended up following the wrong path.
- The man’s ignorance had slowed down our progress.
‘Inaction’ comes from French origin, in- denotes “not, opposite of” plus the word “action.” It refers to the failure or lack of action where some are appropriate or expected as it might help solve a particular problem.
- The almost total inaction by the social club left us disappointed.
- Inaction creates nothing, action is what drives success.
To Wrap Up
‘Practice’ is a commonly used term in writing, yet very few know how to replace the word with a better-suited one. This practice synonym guide will help you learn the similar and opposite words related to ‘practice.’ Depending on the context of writing, it’s always important to mix things up with synonyms and antonyms. It will help make your writing rich and get your point across smoothly.
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