Many things in our surroundings are a product of a certain process or action. Product is a common word and knowing how to use it along with some product synonyms is essential for every writer.
We have added antonyms and synonyms for product in this guide. It will also include their respective definitions. Get ready to start learning because there are no more excuses for misusing this word.

The Definition of Product
The dictionary defines product as anything that someone makes or creates. This can include any physical or intangible object produced, such as a painting, a computer program, or a television series.
From a marketing perspective, a product is anything an individual or company offers to the public. Check out some of these examples of using the term product in a sentence:
- Our company’s products include anything from books to furniture.
- His medals are a product of his many years of hard work.
- We only sell organic grape juice products.
Product Synonyms — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
A consequence is a logical result of some behavior. For example, the consequence of an investment is that it will gain or lose value over time.
- They had to face the consequences of their choice to skip class.
An outcome is how a certain thing turns out after an event. Outcomes can either be good or bad. It is derived from the Middle English word “utcome.”
- I was taught to always consider the outcome of my actions.
One of the closely related synonyms to a result is the term effect. It is a change ensuing after an action.
- Scientists have confirmed that the long-term effect of global warming will be devastating.
Product Antonyms — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
Cause comes from a Latin noun referring to something or someone responsible for an event. It is what triggers an action or condition. You can also define it as a catalyst of a certain incident.
- After a long investigation, the police determined the cause of the accident.
The place from which something can be obtained is considered its source. A source can also be a thing or a person.
- Bananas are a great source of potassium.
Beginning means the point in time where something begins. The thesaurus lists cause and start with some of the terms closely similar to it.
- She was beginning to feel uncomfortable because of the cold weather.
Final Thoughts
You’ve just added product to your vocabulary. And you can utilize these alternative terms for your articles in many ways. Try it out for your next article.
Continuously adding new words to your vocabulary will make you a more effective writer. So keep learning and keep writing.
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