Realize can have many applications and can be a versatile tool in writing your articles. For instance, it can easily be a verb signifying that an action was done. You can also utilize a realize synonym for better variety.
This article will discuss what realize is and what it means in the English language. This complete guide will help you earn more realize synonym and antonyms for your vocabulary.

Defining Realize
Realize is derived from the French term réaliser. It means to bring into existence, perceive, comprehend, or experience something. It can be a verb as well as a noun. Note that the meaning of realizing is not the same as recognizing or recalling.
Here are a couple of sentence examples.
- I realized the value of hard work when I got a job.
- There are many realizations that one can make in life.
- He finally realized his lifelong dream of owning a car.
- My mom made me realize the importance of good manners.
Realize Synonym — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
As one of the close synonyms of realize, to perceive is to notice and understand something. If you perceive something, you become aware of it. It also has a figurative sense that means understanding and realizing something up close.
- I perceived that the man was in my line of sight, and I heard him coming.
- It didn’t take long for her to perceive his true intentions.
Discern originated from the Latin term discernere, which means to separate. Discern essentially means to distinguish between things with different attributes.
- She was able to discern between the two similar items of clothing.
- My mom is very discerning when it comes to food.
The act of noticing is to understand or recognize something as it is happening or in the process. It can also mean to be aware of something. Aside from these, a notice can also pertain to a written statement.
- I noticed that he was becoming better at math after improving his study habits.
- It was too late for her to notice that something was wrong.
When you register something, you become able to grasp it fully. To register is being able to know what something is. Register can also refer to an official document or list.
- It finally registered to her that he was gone.
- She was so excited to register her new car.
Realize Antonyms — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
Disbelief is a lack of faith in something or doubt.
- She chose to disbelieve him, given his record of mistakes.
The meaning of misinterpretation is the opposite of perception. Misinterpretation is quite common in everyday conversation. It refers to having a faulty understanding of something.
- She misinterpreted his actions as aggression.
- Misinterpreting the situation is what led to the fight.
Disregard means to dismiss the acknowledgement or recognition of something. It can also mean ignoring or paying no attention to something.
- Earning money was his number one goal. He disregarded everything else.
- I disregarded my mom’s advice and went out drinking.
To Wrap Up
There are various ways to use the wordrealize in your writing. It can be utilized when a subject wants to convey their idea or has acknowledged something that is true or happening. Whichever of the realize synonyms you will use will depend on the message you want to convey.
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