In English, synonyms are words or phrases that have the same meaning as the original but are more precise. So many words can be substituted for “relationship,” for instance.
However, care should be taken to replace the words with synonyms that don’t alter the meaning of the rest of the paragraph. Let’s take a closer look at the roots and synonyms of the word “relationship” and some sentence examples to aid learning.

What Does Relationship Mean?
A relationship is a term that describes how two or more individuals or things are linked together. A close connection between two beings, especially one based on romantic or sexual feelings, is called a relationship.
In summary, any kind of connection between individuals, whether close, friendly, good, or bad, is a relationship.
Sentence examples of relationship
- I am not in a relationship or close association with anyone right now.
- It is risky to mix business and love in a relationship.
- Our friendship was a relationship goal for any couple to emulate.
Relationship Synonym: Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
Some similar terms for relationship are liason, tie, alliance, and rapport.
A liaison is someone who brings individuals together. A liaison is a person who acts as a link or go-between between two or more individuals or groups.
It could also mean a sexual relationship, especially between two lovers who are not married.
A liaison officer fosters communication or cooperation, making it easier for individuals or groups to work together closely.
The word “liaison” was first used in the 1640s to describe a thickening agent for sauces. It came from the Latin word “ligationem,” which meant “a binding,” and the root word leig-, which meant “to tie, bind.”
Since 1806 it has meant “close relationships,” especially between lovers. “Working together” between branches, allies, and so on dates back to 1816. Liaison officer was adopted in 1915. It is a term that means “one who is in charge of communication between units, etc.”
Examples of sentences with liaison
- We found out that they had a close liaison with the trade association.
- Liaison between police forces and the hospitals is an important relationship to foster.
- The chief liaison officer has a relation in the investigation unit.
Tie means attaching something to someone or something else using its strings or tying or bowing the ends. To tie is to restrict someone to a particular place or situation.
In the 1960s, the tie was a sign of the upper class (negative). In the 1980s, it was a sign of power and wealth (positive). Ties have been seen as signs of a gentlemanly upbringing, social status, coming of age, blindly following tradition, and male sexuality over the years.
Examples of sentences with tie
- We would love to tie our wedding to my graduation ceremony.
- The tie was necessary to foster a relationship with the key players.
- The tie has been severed and the relationship broken.
An alliance is when two countries, political parties, or other groups work together to reach a goal. Alliance is a relationship based on shared interests, nature, or traits.
The general sense of “coming together for a common goal” dates to the middle of the 14th century. Alliance was viewed as “a bond or treaty between rulers or nations” and “a group of people who are allies.”
English experts state that ‘alliance’ was “rarely used of a combination for evil.” The meaning “being friends or linked” comes from the 1670s. The word for it in Latin was alligantia.
Examples of sentences with alliance
- Forming an alliance or relationship of any kind will be to our detriment.
- The relationship between the east and west has created a formidable alliance.
- Your question has no relation to the topic; they formed an alliance to conquer the weaker territories.
When two or more individuals or groups get along well and understand each other’s feelings and ideas, we say they have a good rapport. When people in different positions or roles communicate in tandem, we refer to the connection as rapport.
The word comes from the French verb rapporter, which means “to bring something back.”
Sentence examples of rapport
- We established a rapport quite quickly with all of them.
- The players had a fantastic rapport; it almost felt like they had known each other before now.
- A rapport was essential to start a relationship with Alice.
To Wrap Up
In English, synonyms are words that mean the same thing and are often used in place of each other. Most of the time, knowing how to use synonyms is the key to ensuring your writing is grammatically correct and flows well. You can check related words using a thesaurus and dictionary as a list and guide.
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