You might be here searching for a seek synonym for your writing. And you’ve been frustratingly stuck using the same word again and again. You’re not the only one. But worry no more. You have reached the right place!
This article has collected everything you need to know about the word seek. Read on to find out more!

The Meaning of Seek
Seek is an English verb that writers widely utilize. When you seek, you look for something. In most cases, you scout for something you have a question about, want or need. But you might also seek information about where to find a specific product or person.
- When we were kids, we played hide-and-seek a lot.
- Seeking new friendships is something you should do more often.
- His job is to seek and try to procure rare herbs and spices.
- They spent hours seeking the answer to the problem.
- My mom went to his doctor to seek his advice.
Seek Synonyms — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
Some similar terms for the wordseek are search for, investigate, explore, try to find, look for, and be after.
Explore means to seek something to make a discovery. You can explore books, articles, topics, ideas, or dance movements. It is a verb that means to wander around in a place to find something.
- They explored the city to try all the best coffee places.
To investigate means carefully learning or discovering information. It also pertains to probing someone with legal authority or power.
- The police arrived to investigate the robbery.
Pursue is a legal term meaning to diligently go after someone to bring them to justice. Another meaning for pursue is to continue or proceed along a path.
- He was determined to pursue a legal profession.
People hunt to find something and catch something that is considered valuable. These can be animals, treasures, or money. Hunt can also mean pursuing something with great determination.
- My grandfather’s hobbies include hunting and reading books.
Seek Antonyms — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
Antonyms for seek include ignore, shun, neglect, answer, find, and reply.
Ignoring means to give no heed to something. To ignore is also to not pay attention to what happens to you or someone else, either intentionally or out of negligence.
- They ignored the fire alarm and went back to what they were doing.
In contrast, to seek, the word shun means avoiding or keeping away from something or someone. This action is often done deliberately.
- His father was a bad person, so the community shunned him.
The dictionary defines neglect as idleness, avoidance, or giving little or no attention to something essential.
- The owner neglected the poor puppy and left him on the streets.
To Wrap Up
Seek is mainly a verb that means scouting for something. Now you will never get frustrated thinking about finding words related to seek. You’ve added some valuable terms to your vocabulary. It’s time to try them out on your next article!
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