A feature is an exceptional quality, a distinctive aspect of something. It is also a peculiarity, or attribute of a specific thing or person. A synonym for featureis ‘characteristics.’ Other similar terms are qualities and attributes.
This article is a comprehensive guide on the word ‘feature.’ It includes its definition, synonyms, and antonyms.
Definition of Feature
‘Feature’ originates from Middle English feture, Anglo-Norman feture, Old French faiture, and Latin faciō (“do, make”). The dictionary defines the term ‘feature’ as “a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.” The feature of something is what makes it different or prominent.
Sentence examples
- Sarah’s most unique feature is her bulging eyeball.
- The mole on the man’s neck was a rough feature of his rugged face.
- My most noticeable feature to others is my glasses.
- Thompson’s most prominent feature is his Adam’s apple.
- The most unusual feature in my house is the garden.
- My favorite feature about babies is their chubby cheeks.
- Johnson’s most noticeable feature is his brown, furry mustache.
Synonym for Feature — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
A popular synonym for feature is ‘attribute.’Other related words include quality, property, characteristic, trait, mark, aspect, and detail.
1. Attribute
Attribute comes from the Latin verb ‘attribuere,’ meaning “to assign,” “to lay at the charge of,” and “to add to something.” An attribute of something is its own qualities.
- The attribute that distinguishes women from men is the ability to carry a child.
- The ability to feel emotions is an attribute peculiar to humans.
2. Quality
Quality is from Old French’ qualité,’ Latin quālitātem, and Proto-Indo-European *kʷo- (“who, how”). Quality defines the property that differentiates a thing or person.
- The quality of the Red Mountains is how it differs from the Grey Mountains.
- The quality of a democracy is the free and equal participation of every individual.
3. Property
The word ‘property’ originates from Middle English’ propertee’, borrowed from Anglo-Norman and Old French, proprieté (“property, fitness, property”). Property connotes the attribute or abstract quality associated with an individual, object, or concept.
- Juan’s distinctive property is being isolated when troubled.
- Charm is his most attractive property.
4. Characteristics
The word originates from character + -istic on the model of Greek kharaktēristikos (“about or indicating character”). “Characteristics” describes distinguishing feature of a person or thing.
- The characteristics of a good volunteer are generosity, kindness, intelligence, and empathy.
- Dark brown hair is a characteristic of an Australian.
- Long neck and legs are characteristics of a giraffe.
5. Trait
‘Trait’ is borrowed from Middle French trait (“line, feature”), Latin tractus (“drawing, pulling”), and ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *tregʰ- (“to drag”). A trait is an identifying characteristic, habit, or trend.
- Brian’s perseverance is a desirable trait.
- Brad’s impulse control is atrocious, but he has a lot of other good traits, like intelligence.
Antonyms for Feature — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
1. Disregard
‘Disregard’ finds its origin from ‘dis- + regard.’ It is an act of not paying attention to something or choosing not to acknowledge the significance of something.
- People are not accommodating of those who disregard their requests.
- It is essential not to disregard the emotions of others.
2. Ignore
‘Ignore’ originates from French’ ignorer,’ from Latin’ ignōrō’ (“to not know, mistake, take no notice of, ignore”). To ignore means to treat with indifference, not to notice.
- Sarah tried to ignore the feelings she had for Michael.
- I’ll advise you to ignore June and move on with your plan.
3. Lack
The word ‘lack’ originates from Latin’ lacertus’ (“liable to fall out”), “out of the way.” Lack currently means “the condition of being devoid of.” ‘Lack’ means to put something or somebody out of a specific position or relationship. It concerns the condition of not having anything or somebody to be without.
- The lack of calcium in a diet causes weak bones.
- Lack of sleep causes short-term memory loss and compromises mental health.

To Wrap Up
An excellent synonym for feature is “attribute” Other alternative terms include quality, property, characteristic, trait, mark, and detail. This article has provided the synonyms for the word ‘feature.’ You can use them in writing to make your piece powerful and captivating.
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