Synonyms help make writing more conversational and natural. We often use the word “perform” to mean “to carry out”. What’s a synonym for perform?
Check out this guide for a list of synonyms and antonyms for this versatile word.
Definition of Perform
The word ‘peform’ acts as a verb. It originates from Middle English performen (“to perform”), Anglo-Norman performer, and Proto-Indo-European *promo- (“in front, forth”). Perform means “to do (something); to execute.”
The dictionary defines perform as “to exhibit an expected pattern of behaviour; to function, or work.” The word takes the following forms: simple present – performs, present participle – performing, past tense, and past participle – performed. ‘Performance’ acts as a noun.
Example of Sentences with “Perform”
- The scientists performed many experiments in an attempt to find a cure for cancer.
- Nathan took over thirty minutes to perform the task I gave him.
- The new staff performs her duty well.
- Michelle performed strongly at the concert.
- The athlete performed exceptionally in the game.
- After successfully performing the task, Mike received a reward.
- Professor Cervantes is performing a play this evening.
Synonym for Perform — Exploring Words with Similar Meanings
A popular synonym for perform is ‘execute.’ Other similar terms related to ‘perform’ include carry out, discharge, accomplish, implement, take action, act, conduct, fulfill, achieve, and complete.
The word originates from Old French executer, medieval Latin executare, and Latin exsequi ‘follow up, punish’ from ex- ‘out’ + sequi ‘follow.’ To execute is to put into effect.
- We were unable to execute our plans because of the rain.
- I have a mission to execute, but I need to strategize first.
Discharge is from Old French descharger, late Latin discarricare ‘unload,’ from dis- (expressing reversal) + carricare ‘to load.’ Discharge means “to accomplish or complete, as an obligation.”
- Nathan’s discharge from the hospital was quick.
- The discharge pipes direct pollutants away from the plant into the river.
The term is from medieval Latin implementa andLatin implere ‘fill up’ (later ‘employ’), from in- ‘in’ + Latin plere ‘fill.’ Implement means “to bring about; to put into practice.”
- We need to implement the plan we drafted.
- As leaders, we should be able to implement change.
Accomplish is from Old French acompliss-, lengthened stem of acomplir, based on Latin ad- ‘to’ + complere ‘to complete.’
- With determination, you can accomplish anything.
- You cannot accomplish anything in life without taking action.
Conduct originates from Late Latin conductus (“defense, escort”), Latin conductus, the perfect passive participle of condūcō (“bring together”). To conduct means to lead, guide, escort, to be in charge of.
- Your conduct and hard work have earned you a promotion.
- The school conducts drug tests before giving admission to new students.
Antonyms for Perform — Exploring Words with Opposite Meanings
Neglect is from Latin neglect- ‘disregarded,’ from the verb neglegere, from neg- ‘not’ + legere ‘choose, pick up.’ Neglect means to fail to care for or attend to something.
- Don’t neglect a chance for improvement.
- Jerry was suspended from work due to neglect of his duty.
The word is from late Middle English omitten, borrowed from Latin omittō (“to let go”), from ob- + mittō (“to send”). Omit means to leave out or exclude; to fail to perform.
- Please omit the first page of the document when printing.
- We had to omit Johnson’s name from the list.
Cease is from Middle English cesen, cessen, Middle French cesser (“to cease”), and Latin cessō (“leave off”). Cease means to stop doing (something).
- The President asked the police to cease fire.
- We had to cease operations because of the insurgence.

To Wrap Up
Some words might mean the same thing, but their definitions are used in different contexts. The term “perform” has numerous synonyms; common ones include “accomplish, execute, implement, conduct and discharge.”
Learning the synonyms of wordsprovides you with different words to use across your writing. You can use a thesaurus to learn more synonyms for ‘perform.’
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