We’ll take our thesaurus and dictionary to explore the word perfect. This expression recurrently shows up in colloquial conversation. You must first fathom what it represents in order to use it accurately. There will be an inquiry on synonyms of perfect, its antonyms, and sentence samples.
Definition of Perfect

Perfect, depending on the context, can either be an adjective, a noun, or a verb. Although the adjective form is the most frequent, the other uses are still utilized commonly.
- Complete adherence to the outline or definition of the ideal kind.
- Beyond any possible theoretical or practical improvement, outstanding.
- Precisely meeting the requirements in a specific circumstance or for a specific purpose.
- Absolutely without any imperfections, flaws, or limitations.
- Precise, exact, or entirely accurate.
- Pure or undisturbed.
- Something that is exact or unqualified.
- Describing a tense or other verb structure that has this meaning.
- To make something immaculate or exquisite; to bring something to perfection.
We know what this phrase means in a general sense, so we will further develop our usage of it.
- This meal was the perfect way to end this fantastic day!
- Why would you ruin such a perfect car with these tasteless modifications?
- I have always found it difficult to fully understand the past perfect tense in English.
Synonyms of Perfect — Exploring Related Words
Flaw comes from the phrase flaga in Norwegian, which means strong gusts of wind.
- She beat her opponent flawlessly.
- Oh my God, she is my favorite actress; she is just flawless.
Comes from the Latin expression peccare to sin.
- This 69′ Mustang is in impeccable condition, and I want the new owner to keep it that way!
- Why are you afraid of making mistakes? None of us are impeccable!
Antonyms for Perfect
- I love you with all of your imperfections. Stop staring at the mirror.
- Look, I can’t use an imperfect photo as marketing material.
To Wrap Up
We hope you now have a better idea of the termperfect after reading this article. We looked for synonyms, antonyms, and, naturally, the word’s meaning. If you have any more words you’d like us to write, please let us know!
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