We will look up the term standard using our dictionary and thesaurus. This is a regular saying in casual conversation. To accurately incorporate it, you must first grasp what it signifies. Synonyms of standard, antonyms and phrase examples will all be studied.
Before going on to similar and opposing terms, let’s summarize the meaning. So, without further ado, let’s get started with the meaning of this phrase.
Definition of Standard

The term standard describes anything accepted as a basis of comparison by an authority or by popular accord; an authorized model. It also refers to an object that is thought to be the standard or most frequent size or shape of its sort.
Other ways to describe the term standard are:
- Guideline or concept that serves as a foundation for decision-making.
- A standard or typical requirement, quality, amount, level, or grade that serves as a foundation for weight, measurement, value, comparison, or judgment
- A fact of acknowledged quality or established authority.
- Something that is common to see, the usual.
Fundamentals may be tough to comprehend on their own. We have a few examples of using the word standard in this post.
- Lead pipes have been the standard in the US, unfortunately. Now they are a health hazard.
- Although many countries use the metric system, measuring altitude in feet is the standard in aviation.
- The FDA hasn’t approved the drug because it doesn’t fit their strict standards.
- The International Standard Organization helps us to standardize products across countries.
- Well, I am sorry I am not good enough for your standards!
- The standard flags of countries are rectangular. However, Nepal’s flag doesn’t conform to the rule!
- In principle, making things standard doesn’t seem challenging. However, in reality, it is almost impossible!
Synonyms of Standard — Exploring Related Words
From Latin barra.
- When the bar is set that low, I am not surprised he was able to pass the test.
- The new student raised the bar for all of the class.
Comes from Greek kriterion.
- Many manufacturers find the new criterion for emissions in Europe difficult to comply with.
- What is the criterion to enter the country? No one knows, to be honest.
This expression came to English from Latin, where it was originally normalis.
- It’s not normal for this kid to be this tall at this age!
- Who decides what is normal and what isn’t anyway!
To Wrap Up
We hope you now have a better idea of the term standard after reading this article. We looked for synonyms, antonyms, and, naturally, the word’s meaning. If you have any more words you’d like us to write, please let us know!
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