How To Drive Better Email Marketing Response Rate

Tracking marketing metrics is the only way to know your audience’s response to each campaign. It helps you answer important questions like whether your campaign succeeded or failed. Email marketing response rate is an underrated metric that provides unique insight. 

Why is this metric so important? And what does it mean?

You’ll find out below.

What Is Email Marketing Response Rate?

Email response rates indicate the responses you get after sending your campaigns.

Several factors influence the response rate you’ll get from a marketing campaign. Some of them include the nature of your audience, response rates, the content of the emails, etc. 

Experts claim that the average response rate for email marketing is 10%. However, this is an estimate. With better strategies, you can increase your response rate immensely. 

How To Measure Your Email Response Rate

This could be a bit tricky. But let’s simplify it. Your email marketing response rate depends on the number of emails that got delivered. 

For instance, a few emails could bounce for reasons like a wrong email address or recipient server error. 

To get the actual response rate, you need the exact number of delivered emails. 

The formula is: {Emails delivered ÷ Email responses} x 100. 

How to get the number of delivered emails: subtract the number of bounced emails from the total emails sent. 

Does Email Campaign Response Rate Matter?

Short answer: yes, it does. 

It shows how your subscribers respond to your emails. The response rate for emails is a form of feedback that depicts the success rate of your campaigns. 

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Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Is your CTA compelling enough? Does the email increase your click-through? The response rates metric answers these questions.

Moreover, it determines the email features you need to tweak. Besides, you can track customers that have moved further in the sales funnel and send more customized emails. 

The response rates from email campaigns can foster lead generation and boost ROI for marketers. 

Although it’s only one of the metrics a marketer needs to track, it’s vital. 

How To Increase Your Response Rate For Email Campaigns

1. Personalize Your Emails

Email personalization is a great way to attract a reader’s attention. 

Personalizing emails is more than just using the subscriber’s first name. You can go as far as using behavior-triggered automated emails. This enables you to deliver need-driven messages to recipients based on their interaction with the website. 

Customized messages reach recipients on a more personal level. Thus, it amps response rate. 

2. Optimize Your Subject Line

People won’t spare any attention to things they aren’t interested in. Consequently, they won’t bother opening your email if the subject line doesn’t grab their attention. 

Your subject line is one of the vital factors that affect the response rates of email campaigns. 

Make it as attractive as possible. 

3. Email Timing

Timing is everything, even while sending emails. Generally, you should avoid sending emails on Mondays. It’s the start of a new week. Your subscribers probably have loads of emails that have accumulated over the weekend. 

Experts advise marketers to target midweek, like Tuesdays till Thursdays, while sending out campaigns. 

4. Have An Obvious Value Proposition

What does a recipient stand to gain from clicking your call to action? Are you offering any value? 

Ensure your email clearly indicates all the value your subscribers can reap from your services. 

A value proposition must clearly distinguish you from competitors. If not, it raises the question, “why you?”

5. Make Your Email Brief

To increase your chances of getting a response, your email needs to be punchy and concise. 

If you don’t go straight to the point, you may lose your audience’s attention. 

In A Nutshell

Email marketing response rate is an important metric for measuring your email campaigns’ success. It allows you to plan for future campaigns with better data insights

Finally, examine industry standards and try new tactics to engage with prospects. All these efforts are surefire ways to boost your email marketing response rate. 

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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