If you want to get the most out of your email marketing, understanding every part of a copy is important. Thus, understanding what a CTA is and how it works can be key to success.
So, What is CTA in email marketing?
The correct answer to this particular question and more are in this article. This article also explores the importance of CTA in email marketing and how to create good CTAs.
What Is CTA in Email Marketing?
A CTA, or call to action, is an essential element of email marketing that encourages the reader to take a desired action. It could be something as simple as “Sign up today!” or more creative such as “Discover Your New Superpower Today!” This encourages readers to click through your message and either join your list, download something from you, or take some other desirable action.
CTAs are used in campaigns to drive prospects towards taking specific actions that may help increase sales and overall revenue for the company. They can also capture leads and keep customers engaged, helping to create better outreach strategies for future campaigns. Creating effective CTAs takes creativity and should provide value to the customer.
A good CTA should include minimalistic elements that make it clear what action they need to complete. Writing something like “Begin your Free trial now!” or offering a discount might encourage users to take advantage of the deal immediately.
CTAs can also be replicated across multiple campaigns to provide ready-made templates for companies looking to improve their marketing strategy today.
Importance of CTA in Email Marketing
CTAs are important because they give your readers the final push to take the desired action.
After reading your email copy and getting convinced that your proposition is good for them, make it easy for them. Without a clear CTA, readers will not know the next step. And they may end up closing the mail despite how convincing your copy was.
Therefore, knowing how to write a clear and compelling CTA is important for email marketers. The next section includes tips to help you create better CTAs.
How to Create a Good CTA
Knowing how to create a good CTA for your email marketing copy can improve the results of your email marketing campaign. Below, we share some tips that can help you create better CTAs.
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash
Use a Button
This tip has nothing to do with what you write. Instead, it is about the visual representation of your CTA. Buttons differ from the walls of text they’ve been reading all along. Hence, it is bound to catch your reader’s attention.
Use Verbs and Keep It Short
A CTA is meant to make your readers do something. Thus, it only makes sense to use verbs. What do you want them to do? Your answer to this will usually include a verb. Use that verb. And remember to keep it short.
Avoid Multiple CTAs
Before writing your email copy, be sure to identify the action you want readers to take. Having multiple CTAs may get your readers confused. Find one call to action and stick to it.
Repeat Your CTA
If your copy is long, you should probably repeat your call to action a couple of times. Ideally, you should repeat it at the middle and the end of your email for the best effect.
Final Words
Questions like what is CTA in email marketing should no longer be a problem for you. This article has explained it. CTA is an important part of any email marketing copy. It is a way of telling your audience what you want them to do.
Make sure you provide clear instructions on what the subscriber should do next. For example, leave a link if you want them to visit a page. If you want them to buy a product, tell them exactly how they can do that. Make it obvious and easy for them to take action.
Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.