You’ve heard a lot about email marketing. It is even possible that you’ve used email marketing to reach out to customers. But do you know you can use email marketing for recruitment?
It is called recruitment email marketing. So, what is recruitment email marketing? This article provides a detailed answer to this question. Further, it contains practical tips that can help you make the best of recruitment email marketing.
It is about sending useful information to people that signed up for such. Individual recruiters can use recruitment email marketing and companies can use them too.
What Are the Possible Content of Recruitment Marketing Emails?
There are different types of content that you can include in your recruitment marketing emails. Let’s check out some of them.
Emails to Inform Them of New Openings
Recruitment email marketing is a great way to inform potential candidates of new job openings. For a small company, you may consider sending multiple announcements about the opening. Bigger companies can send a mail that lists all available job roles.
Company News
Company news is another type of content you can use in recruitment email marketing. It helps keep your target audience informed about what’s happening in the company and can help them feel more connected to it. This type of content can also be used to encourage people to apply for open positions or take other actions related to recruitment.
When writing emails with company news, ensure you include a clear subject line that will grab your recipients’ attention. You want to ensure they know what the email is about immediately, so they are more likely to open it.
Additionally, try to write in a way that engages your audience and encourages them to click through to learn more.
Tips About Getting Hired in Your Industry
If your mailing list has a lot of job hunters, job-hunting tips can be helpful. You can specifically share tips about getting hired in your industry. For instance, you can share CV formatting tips or how to answer interview questions. With such helpful tips, you can encourage readers to open your emails.
Some Quick Tips for Your Recruitment Email Marketing Campaign
A successful recruitment email marketing must be carefully planned. Read on to find some helpful tips for your recruitment email marketing campaign.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Have a Clear Goal
To ensure that you get the best results from your recruitment email marketing campaigns, have a clear goal of what you want to achieve. This might be increasing reach or making the recruitment process faster.
Once you have decided on a direction for your campaign, think about how you can engage and encourage readers to take action. Move beyond simple facts and figures and use emotionally-driven language that truly speaks to each person reading it.
Encourage Readers to Share With Others
If you want more subscribers, encourage your readers to share with others. This is easier if you create content your readers find useful consistently.
Test Different Versions
Finally, keep in mind that no recruitment email marketing campaign will succeed without regular testing. Test different versions of the same message until you find one that works well. When you finally find the version that works best, double down and make the best of it.
Have a Clear CTA in Each Email
Each of your emails should include a clear call to action. If your email advertises a role, include a link for them to apply easily. Readers need not visit your website before they can apply.
With the right strategy, you can create an effective recruitment email marketing campaign that will help you find the best talent for your organization.
Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.