You’ve read a lot about email marketing. You seem to know everything from its advantages to its best practices. But do you know about the worst email marketing mistakes to avoid? If your answer to this question is not a resounding yes, then there’s a problem.
This article fixes this problem by explaining the worst email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them. Ultimately, you can take the lessons to create better email marketing campaigns.
Worst Email Marketing Mistakes
When it comes to email marketing, even the slightest of mistakes can be costly. From failing to keep up with trends to not targeting the right audience, these minor errors can greatly impact your business.
That is why marketers need to stay ahead of the curve and avoid making some of the worst email marketing mistakes.
Don’t Send Boring Emails
The first mistake that you must avoid is sending boring emails. This means crafting content that is interesting and engaging.
If you don’t provide value in every email you send out, chances are they will unsubscribe or ignore them altogether. This mistake might seem vague at first.
But ask yourself if you’ll be willing to read that email if someone sent it to you. If you aren’t reading it, you should probably not send it out.
Not Optimizing for Mobile
A second major error is forgetting about mobile responsiveness. In this day and age, most people access emails through their phones instead of computers or laptops.
Therefore, if your emails aren’t optimized for mobile devices, you’ve made a schoolboy error. And you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. You should test your emails on various devices before sending them out and ensure they look good no matter what device they’re opened on.
Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash
Ignoring Personalization
Do you know how many emails an average person receives daily? People receive many emails daily, and you need to stand out to stand a chance. Personalization helps you stand out, and you should take advantage.
The most common means of personalization is by including your recipient’s name in the opening greeting. You can take it further by adding other specific and localized details.
Talk about personal events like holidays or birthdays. Essentially, it should be something that makes it feel like they were the only person you had in mind when you penned that email.
Not Using Lead Magnets
A lead magnet is an essential part of any email marketing strategy. It’s a free offer that entices people to sign up for your email list and become subscribers. Lead magnets can be anything from e-books, checklists, cheat sheets, webinars, or even discounts on products or services.
Not using lead magnets in your email campaigns is one of the most common email marketing mistakes you can make. Without them, getting new subscribers and growing your email list is hard. Lead magnets are also important because they help increase open rates and click-throughs.
Not Including a CTA
Failure to include a clear call to action is another email marketing mistake you shouldn’t make. What is the point of your email if your readers don’t know what to do after reading your message? If you want them to make a purchase, spell it out.
Therefore, a call-to-action (CTA) should be included in every email you send, whether it’s to buy something or just a link to your website. It needs to stand out and grab the reader’s attention, so they immediately take action.
Sending Too Many Emails
Sending too many emails is one of the worst email marketing mistakes you can make. Not only will people unsubscribe from your list, but they may also mark your messages as spam.
When this happens, it hurts your reputation with ISPs and makes it difficult for other emails sent by your business to get through. The key is to find the right balance between keeping customers informed without overwhelming them. Try not to send more than two emails per week.
Hiding the Unsubscribe Button
You may initially not consider this a mistake. However, it is good when people unsubscribe from your mailing list. It shows that they are not your target audience, and you can focus on those who matter.
Failure to Monitor Metrics
Monitoring your metrics is necessary to understand the impact of your emails. Regular monitoring helps you identify the things you’re doing well and what needs improvement.
If your goal is to generate ten weekly sales through your emails, there are specific metrics you need to check constantly. This way, you can easily meet and exceed your target.
Final Thoughts
Your email marketing campaign can deliver better results when you take note of the mistakes explained above. Avoiding them sets you apart from others and positions you for success. With consistency and patience, you’ll surely see a big difference in your results.
Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.