Key Tips for Writing Better MD Personal Statements

The medical profession is among the most respected and revered careers in the world.

The journey to becoming a doctor, however, is long and arduous. One of the first steps on this journey is writing an effective personal statement for your medical school admission. How do you make your MD personal statement stand out from a pool of others?

We answer this question and more in this article. You’ll find examples of good essays for your medical school personal statements as well.

How to Write a Good MD Personal Statement

As stated earlier, the journey to becoming a doctor is not easy. Check the tips below to make sure your medical school personal statement stands out from among the rest:


Start by brainstorming all of your accomplishments and experiences that have informed you to pursue a career in medicine. Be specific and highlight examples that demonstrate not only what you’ve done but also why you’ve chosen this particular field of study. 

Use a Catchy Opening Line

 Just like any good piece of writing, your opener should capture the reader’s attention right away. Consider beginning with an interesting anecdote or story that will hook readers into wanting to know more about you as a candidate.

Be Specific

When talking about why you want to pursue a career in medicine, be very specific about what intrigues you about this field. What aspect of healthcare do you find fascinating? Why did you choose to study biology or another related subject at the university? Showing genuine enthusiasm for medicine will set your application apart from others who may seem less interested in pursuing this path.

Stay Relevant

While it’s important to share some information about yourself, don’t go off on tangents that are irrelevant to your candidacy. You shouldn’t discuss unrelated work experience or traveling experiences. Try to focus specifically on things that have influenced your decision process regarding medicine.

Examples of Good MD Personal Statements

man in white dress shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses
Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Nothing beats having a template to work with. With a good example of an MD personal statement, you have all you need to write a great one for yourself.

Template 1

I am writing to apply to the esteemed medical school at Oxford University. I feel confident that my experience and academic record have prepared me well for the rigors of a world-class medical education. 

As an undergraduate, I majored in biochemistry and minored in biology. This coursework has provided me with a strong foundation in the sciences as well as first-hand experience researching complex biomedical questions under faculty guidance. In addition to my formal studies, I have also been involved in clinical work shadowing physicians across several specialties. Thus, this is a valuable opportunity that allowed me to explore which areas of medicine interest me most. 

Through these experiences, it has become clear to me that the ability to save lives and improve human health excites me. For example, during my time working alongside pediatricians, I was struck by how preventable many illnesses are if caught early enough. Yet simply raising awareness about preventive measures among patients can be difficult due to cultural norms or lack of educational resources in some places. I believe passionately that more needs to be done on this front, not just by doctors but also educators and public policymakers alike. If given a chance, I would like to devote myself fully to advancing global medical practice.

Template 2

I am interested in studying medicine because I want to help people. I have always been fascinated by how the human body works and what medical science can do to treat illness and injury. As someone who has experienced first-hand the care of excellent physicians, I know that becoming a doctor is my true calling. 

Throughout high school, I have worked hard both in and out of the classroom to prepare for a career in medicine. In addition to taking rigorous academic courses, I’ve volunteered at local hospitals where I have seen first-hand the importance of good health care. Working with patients—some of whom are facing difficult diagnoses or life-threatening injuries—has shown me the rewards and the challenges of the profession. Despite these realities, I remain motivated to provide compassionate care and hope to my future patients. 

Aspiring doctors must be devoted learners with strong scientific backgrounds. However, we must also be emotionally resilient so that we can handle difficult situations both professionally and personally. It is this balance between heart and head that drew me to presently pursue a degree in medicine. While there are many paths toward becoming a physician, I decided on this one because it marries the two things I love most.


You are not the only one anxious about what to put in your personal statement. Many students have struggled to write their personal statements and have just given up on the process. They feel like they have no hope, no matter how hard they try. And most of them just don’t know how to get help. This article offers you all the help you need to write your MD personal statement.

You can make things even faster by using the new Hey INK tool. This tool can write great personal statements for you within a few seconds. We generated the two templates above using this awesome tool. What are you waiting for? Try it out today.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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