How to Write a PhD Thesis Conclusion

Receiving your Doctor of Philosophy Degree requires you to finish a thesis or dissertation. It is an academic research writing project that allows you to study one or more particular topics. However, when creating one, it is important to learn how to write a PhD thesis conclusion.

Your thesis must succeed in finding the answers to your questions as a researcher. The reader of your academic paper must make use of the knowledge you have shared through discussions and other intellectual discourse. You need to invest enough time on working with all of its parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Learning how to write a PhD thesis conclusion allows you to recapitulate the arguments you have discussed. It serves as a summary for all the chapters you have discussed. If you need help, this article will teach you everything about a good dissertation.

What Is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a report, dealing with research in the field of a particular topic referring to the results of your research. This research dissertation is a written and published report of your results and findings.

It may have a preface, body, and conclusion. In the majority of the cases, it has a formal statement that tackles the main keywords, ideas and the topics covered in the dissertation.

It also displays how the research was carried out and the methodology. It also includes the conclusion, recommendations, and the possible applications of the findings.

The dissertation should follow specific rules. One of the best examples is making a section of the title page in order to summarize the title and the keywords used.

Once your research and reading are complete, you need to pick one or two points. You need to focus on the result and discuss them in your conclusion.

What Is a Dissertation Conclusion?

A dissertation is a personal scholarly study. It’s a lengthy paper on a specific subject that demonstrates the author’s mastery of the chosen subject.

A dissertation conclusion summarizes everything you have discussed from the body to the final paragraphs. It can include a summary of the research, an argument or thesis, and discussion of some important results.

You are required to present a single, sharply focused point. You should have the ability to include a discussion of the relevant literature.

Also, it allows you to provide an analysis of your data interpretation and results.

How to Write a Dissertation Conclusion?

What is it like to combine more than three years’ worth of work into one concise chapter? How do you make those wider conclusive points at the periphery of your research throughout your post-graduate studies?

The answers are right below:

Tip #1: Have an in-Depth Understanding of the Research

As every academic project is different, so too is every conclusion. When you write your conclusion, you know your research better than anyone else.

You are also the most knowledgeable person about it.

Remember that you are the closest, most qualified candidate to draw conclusions from your research.

Tip #2: State Your Answers Clearly

By now, you have refined your research questions. Now, you have the chance to answer them or address your hypotheses in a more pleasant way.

Your research questions are an excellent starting point for your conclusion. The conclusion provides the opportunity for you to tie all your chapters together.

It helps you to show how they all relate to your PhD title and your research questions or objectives.

Tip #3: Share Your Original Knowledge

A thesis is a substantial and meaningful contribution to your field. This is your chance to present what you have contributed and how you have done it.

In your literature review, you will have reviewed the relevant references and identified prominent gaps within your field of study. If you have showcased innovation, you can explain how you have filled those gaps.


Learning how to write a thesis conclusion is one of the most integral parts of your post-graduate studies. You need to have an in-depth understanding of the research and state your answers clearly. Lastly, you must share your original knowledge, so readers may understand your arguments better.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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