You have spent a lot of time writing your essay by the time you reach the final paragraph, so your only concern is finishing it as quickly as possible.
Who cares if you make a firm conclusion paragraph when you’ve already made a stunning introduction, supported your claim, and organized the entire piece as intended?
The only thing you must remember is that the conclusion of an essay differs from the final paragraph of an academic paper in that it does not simply restate the thesis and main points.
Additionally, you can make a lasting impression on your audience in the concluding paragraph. That’s why, in today’s guide, we are going to look at the ideal conclusion paragraph length, and how to write one.
Sounds exciting? Well then, dig in!
Why Conclusion Paragraphs Are Important?

After you’ve provided a strong introduction and solid details to back up your ideas, you want to finish strong by skillfully encapsulating your ideas.
The conclusion paragraph appears to be the simplest part of an essay to write in theory, but in practice, you summarize what you have already written. However, writing solid conclusions (and introductions) for essays can be challenging.
It takes practice to master the art of writing a conclusion, but there are plenty of pointers to help you along the way. You’ll be writing excellent conclusions in no time if you know a few pointers on what to do (and not)!
The argument you have written out concludes in your conclusion. It can encourage the reader to adopt a fresh perspective or present him with a mental challenge to consider novel concepts. It brings your points together and reminds you of everything the reader has just learned.
To ensure that readers learn something significant from what you’ve written, you should carefully craft your closing remarks. Additionally, it should show how your topic and each of the arguments you’ve presented in your essay relate to one another.
How to Write a Conclusion?
Start your conclusion by referring to your main argument to indicate that the essay is closing.
Instead of simply restating your thesis, try to rephrase your argument to demonstrate how it has changed since the introduction.
Then, remind the reader of the critical points you used to support your claim.
Make sure to connect your points in a way that makes it clear how they relate to one another rather than simply summarizing each paragraph or restating your points. Your essay’s conclusion is your last opportunity to demonstrate how the various paragraphs work together to form a logical whole.
Zoom out to a more comprehensive view of the subject and think about the implications of your argument before wrapping up your conclusion. Does it offer a fresh perspective on your subject? Does it bring up new issues that need more research? Can it be related to a more extensive discussion or theme?
The conclusion of your essay should emphasize the importance of your argument, both within the context of your academic field and in general.
Try to close with a robust and conclusive sentence to leave the reader with a lasting interest in your topic.
The essay’s main body should contain all relevant analysis and evidence necessary to prove your thesis.
Minor new information may be included in the conclusion, such as a quotation that succinctly captures your main idea or a sentence or two outlining broader implications. However, it shouldn’t introduce any significant new concepts or sources that require additional explanation.
Even if you’ve discussed various points of view in your essay, it’s still essential that you make clear what you believe. Although there may be multiple ways to approach the subject, you want to leave the reader feeling yours is the best!
What’s The Ideal Conclusion Paragraph Length?
If your conclusion drags on, you might start introducing ideas you should have discussed earlier in the essay. You risk misrepresenting your main points if your essay is too brief. The ideal length is between medium and short.
Typically, a strong conclusion paragraph has three to five sentences. This should allow you to briefly review your main themes and key concepts without being too condensed.
In most essays, the conclusion paragraph is breezier than the opening paragraph. Generally, it shouldn’t occupy more than 10% to 15% of the text.
Final Words
We hope you’ve enjoyed our guide on the ideal conclusion paragraph length for an essay at your school. Please let us know if you think we’ve glossed over an important aspect of this topic!
Still, having trouble with writing a conclusion? Why not use a conclusion paragraph generator like the one we have at INK? It uses AI technology to make sure that you always get plagiarism-free, unique content!
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