Before deciding on how to write your close-ended questions, determine how you are going to measure their success. What do you aim to achieve by writing questions such as these?
Writing a successful survey or questionnaire takes work. You have to understand what your clients need and what they value in response to the questions you set. Then you have to start writing.
Keep reading to get closed questions examples and how to write yours.
What Are Closed Questions?
Closed questions are questions that do not usually have an answer. It would help if you answered questions honestly and, most of the time, by speaking.
They exemplify a direct request for information. Closed questions usually collect information that initiates a dialogue, which can be used to discover what you know and what you don’t know.
The standard closed questions are yes/no questions or questions that demand one-word answers.
Types of Closed Questions With Examples
Closed questions are one of the most commonly used types of questions. You can answer closed questions that are specific, unambiguous, and answer-seeking with a yes or no or a “how.”
Closed Dichotomous Questions
The answer to dichotomous questions is as simple as either one of two ways. The dichotomy is that something opposes or different is situated in opposition. Most people answer dichotomy questions with “yes” or “no,” “false” or “true,” “agreed” or “disagreed,” or “there’s so much more going on.”
These questions are short and straightforward. They offer a simple survey experience and make it better to quickly determine if you are right or wrong.
The Delighted’s Thumbs survey is a dichotomous survey in which people choose either a thumbs up or a thumbs down. Most of the time, an open-ended question comes next so that people can explain their answers.
Questions with multiple choices
Answers to multiple-choice questions are available to survey participants. Data collection allows for more precise data collection, which makes it easier to analyze. And take action on results by being specific about the answer options you choose.
Asking multiple-choice questions can give you additional knowledge to help you make new product decisions. It can improve customer service or employee experiences or decide where to advertise.
Below are examples of multiple-choice questions (and possible answers):
- Have you regularly visited the store in the past 12 months? (Your response may include options from more than once a week to I do not see your store).
- Let me know how you heard about us. (Answers could come from familiar sources, such as social media, word-of-mouth, and television).
- Can we improve our benefits package? (Your company may consider employee perks or benefits in these answers).
Rating scale questions
Rating scale questions can help people determine how they feel about your company, product, or service. Ratings can indicate overall mood or agreeability.
You can ask customers: How satisfied were you with your searchability? “
Questions with checklist
In a survey, respondents can select multiple options from a predetermined list of answers using checklist-style questions. These questions take considerable analysis but can provide insight into customers and employees.
Quantitative data is essential
Close-ended questions offer predetermined answers, so survey creators can assign values (often numerical) to solutions that can be recorded by scores, percentages, or statistics. Quantitative survey data allows you to categorize responses easily and identify correlations and trends.
Answers to close-ended questions help you narrow down your data so you can quantify and take action.
Closed questions make a statement but do not allow for follow-up questions. The purpose of closed questions is for the respondent to answer yes or no. As such, closed questions examples are typically worded as statements. Closed questions are used in tests, interviews, drug screenings, and surveys.
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