Free Guide for Writing Original Research Papers

Research papers are important in the academic world. They offer insights into novel findings, they help explain the trajectory of scientific history, and they’re needed to take new approaches.

There are many ways to do this, and this article provides tips on how to write original research paper that covers all angles. The article is divided according to the steps in the process to make it easy to understand.

What Is a Research Paper?

A research paper is a formal piece of writing that provides detailed information about a particular subject or topic. It usually involves studying different sources, researching theories and concepts, analyzing data, and presenting results in an organized way. A research paper aims to provide insight into the issue at hand, often with the intention of helping to solve it.

When creating a research paper, it is crucial to determine the steps needed to write a complete and comprehensive report. These steps include selecting a suitable topic, ensuring all elements are logically connected and ensuring the results have scientific significance.

Additionally, it is essential to use the right tools, such as clear language and appropriate references, to ensure effective communication.

How to Write Original Research Paper

Although writing research papers requires reading previously written essays, they must still be original. This means your paper should offer new insights and perspectives on a topic. Below are the steps to ensure your research paper is up to the required standard.

Find the Right Topic

Finding the right topic for your research paper is essential to create a compelling and comprehensive report. To start, consider what type of work you are writing: a journal article, a scientific study, or a literature review. Each type of paper has its structure and elements that must be included to make it complete. 

Once you have determined the type of paper you will write, try to list possible topics that would be relevant to the reader. You can also look at other researchers’ works in the same field as yours to get ideas on potential topics.

When deciding on a topic, avoid any that may be too broad or too narrow. It’s essential to choose one that is specific enough so that your work can be as detailed as possible.

Find Information

Once you’ve found a topic and narrowed it down, it’s time to start finding information about it. You can start online using search engines and consulting encyclopedias. It is best to focus on websites with extensions like .edu (educational institution), .org (reputable organizations), and .gov (government websites). This is because they are more reliable. Note that there may be some elements of bias on some government websites. 

You can also find relevant journals online. If you prefer a more traditional approach, visit your school library to find resources relevant to your research. When gathering your information, be sure to note the bibliographical information of the source. It is a vital part of academic writing.

The information you gather will be necessary for your literature review. A literature review outlines the information that is already known about your topic. It can help you determine what still needs to be researched.

Write Your Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is another critical part of your research paper. It should be a clear, concise sentence that states your paper’s main point or argument.

The thesis statement should appear in the introduction section of your paper. It should provide readers with an overview of what you will discuss in the body of your paper. If you’re not so experienced in research writing, you can show the thesis statement to your instructor for further advice.

Outline Your Research Methodology

This section is pretty straightforward. It is all about describing the methods you used in your paper. It is better to dedicate a separate section for each method.

Analysis, Findings, and Conclusion

The analysis is an important part of writing a research paper. It involves examining the data collected from your research and determining what it means. This can include looking for patterns, trends, or relationships between different variables. Analysis helps you to draw conclusions about your findings and make recommendations based on them.

The findings are the results of your analysis. They should be presented clearly and concisely, allowing readers to understand your research’s implications. Your findings should also be supported by evidence from your research.

The conclusion is the final step in writing a research paper. It summarizes the main points of your paper and provides a summary of your findings. The conclusion should offer insight into how your research contributes to the field of study and suggest areas of improvement.

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Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash


It is important to cite the sources you used in your research and provide a list of references at the end of your paper. This will help readers understand where you got your information and give credit to the authors who wrote it.

When citing sources, follow the guidelines for the style you use (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). You should include the author’s name, the title of the work, the date of publication, the publisher, and other relevant information. It is also important to check that all your citations are accurate and complete.

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to write original research paper is important for students and researchers. The process is highly formal, and you must endeavor to keep to the rules.

Your research is meant to contribute something new to the existing body of knowledge. Hence, providing a comprehensive and detailed answer to your research question is crucial. When writing your research paper, make sure to avoid any plagiarism or other unethical practices. 

Co-Founder of INK, Alexander crafts magical tools for web marketing. SEO and AI expert. He is a smart creative, a builder of amazing things. He loves to study “how” and “why” humans and AI make decisions.

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