Adjectives to Describe Something With Sentence Examples

Using adjectives to describe something is an important skill to have. It improves your communication, writing, and vocabulary.

It is probably safe to say that when it comes to language, all living beings are impacted by the application of words.

Adjectives set the tone and mood. They also communicate signals that stir emotions, explain thoughts, and connect us with others in various ways.

The article will describe adjectives we can use to describe something and how we can apply them to sentences.

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Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

What Is Something?

The word “something” can be a noun, pronoun, or adverb. “Something” is usually the result or effect of other things. Something connotes many things, but generally, it is “abstract.” The core concepts that stand out when defining “something” includes the following:

  •  “Materiality”
  • “Quality”
  • “Things”
  • “Persons”

Adjectives to Describe Something and Sentence Examples

The adjective of something are used to describe its quality, outward appearance, or inner traits. You can use adjectives to talk about a person or an object. Here are its closely related words:

1. Being

The word “being” is used to describe something in existence. For example, “There is only one being in the world that can change the course of history.”

2. Commodity

A commodity is an object, economic good, or service with value. Some common examples include, but are not limited to, gold, electricity, water, and railroad freight cars. Commodities tend to be broadly accepted and traded on markets.

Example: You are a commodity in a competitive world because you have to have something of value. 

3. Existent

Existent refers to something or someone present or existing—the word a noun to refer to the existence of something or a person.

When used as a modifier, “existant” is often used to qualify something or someone, like “the existent artist” or “the existent market”.

4. Substance

A substance is an actual object or object-like thing. This could be anything from a person to light to a food item. 

Example: A substance is something that you can use to create something from something else.


Now that you have adjectives to describe something, it’s time to make sentences. Remember, adjectives are modifiers. They are what already exists! 

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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