Good Words To Start an Effective Conclusion

Conclusions are one of the most challenging and essential paragraphs you will write in your essay or paper.

The concluding paragraph should summarize the thoughts discussed in your writing. It should also convey the most important arguments and leave a powerful impression on readers. But how exactly do you start this important paragraph? Well, we’re here with some tips and creative ideas on good words to start your conclusion paragraph!

The way you start your conclusion is very important. You want to steer clear of overused conclusion starters such as: “I concluded that” or “In this essay I have.” Keep on reading to learn how to start your conclusion in a way that will make it stand out.

What Makes a Good Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph of an essay or research paper that summarizes your entire writing. It conveys the main points of your work.

A good conclusion has the following characteristics:

  • It gives a clear overview of what the essay or research topic is about
  • Helps motivate the readers to ponder on the issue or act on it
  • It serves as a reminder of the strength of your arguments.
  • Provides significant evidence in support of the argument.

Tips for Writing an Effective Conclusion Paragraph

Conclusions are meant to reiterate the arguments and thesis of the essay. In other words, it provides a sense of closure and suggests that you have accomplished the goal.

Keep these tips in mind when writing your conclusion to ensure its effectiveness:

  • End the essay with a positive note
  • Communicate the significance of your ideas and the subject matter
  • Provide a sense of closure to the reader
  • Summarise your main points and re-emphasize them
  • Rephrase your thesis statement and support it with evidence

Good Words to Start Your Conclusion Paragraph

It’s common for papers to start their conclusion with common phrases like “In conclusion” or “To conclude.” But there are more effective ways to begin your conclusion. Here are just some of them.

Conclusion Starter Ideas for Research Paper

  • As per the final analysis
  • Based on the evidence presented
  • As expected, the results signify
  • In light of these findings
  • The research data reveals that
  • As per the data, we can infer that
  • The significant revelations made by the study
  • Unexpectedly the data revealed
  • To assume from the data
  • The result of this research showcases
  • What the study shows is
  • Through reviewing these findings, we can state
  • In the context of this paper,
  • While further research is competent

For Essays

  • Altogether
  • In the final analysis
  • For the most part
  • In my opinion
  • As a final point
  • All things considered
  • For these reasons
  • As such, I have come to a conclusion that
  • In effect
  • In the end
  • To wrap it all up

Other Good Conclusion Starters

  • Based on our observation
  • After all, it has been told and done
  • In my point of view
  • To make a long story short
  • No one could have assumed that
  • In a simple language
  • As stated in the introduction
  • I would like to say finally
  • One final idea
  • My conclusions are
  • The data indicate that
  • It is worth re-examining
  • The nexus between
  • As this paper demonstrates
  • After discussing
  • I’m looking forward to


The conclusion paragraph of your paper is meant to wrap up all the essential things you’ve discussed. It should bring your paper to a close by connecting the points you’ve made. Transition to your conclusion clearly, using these good words to start your conclusion paragraph.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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