Premises and Conclusion of the Argument Examples

Have you ever joined a debate society in your university that exercises your pattern of thinking and reasoning? Do you know how to support your statements that claim strong points in a logical manner? In sharing your insights, you need premises and conclusion of the argument examples.

Logical thinking expresses the need to support each statement that you are trying to share in an argument. It allows you to draw conclusions and understand the premises of your arguments. Whether you are writing a thesis or a public speech, you need to work on understanding its premises and conclusions.

Premises and conclusion of the argument examples can help you explore your logical thinking patterns better. Whenever you try to share a statement, you can identify which arguments are true or false. All you need to do is follow the new things you will learn from this article and use it to your advantage.

What is an Argument?

An argument deals with the understanding of time, experience, and the passage of life. In other words, it’s an attempt to convey an idea about something.

Arguments tend to unfold in a dialogue between two groups or individuals. The two groups will both discuss the necessity of something in a specific situation.

Its goal is to convince one another.

An argument is a means of logical or emotional persuasion. It is an attempt to change a listener’s attitudes or beliefs by presenting a detailed case.

Arguments allow you to express your position with consideration of opposing views. Arguments are often functional, used as a way of deciding or resolving a dispute.

It carries an issue through to its conclusion.

What is a Premise?

A premise is a statement or idea which provides the basis for an argument. An argument is based on a strong idea.

Syllogism is a kind of logical argument in which two premises are used to suggest a conclusion. Syllogisms have two premises and a conclusion.


Premise 1: Mary does not prefer any sweet food.

Premise 2: All candies are sweet.

Conclusion: Mary does not prefer candies for dessert.

Deductive reasoning is based on syllogism, and its premises. In deductive reasoning, you separate one or more statements to reach a logical conclusion.

What is a Conclusion?

An argument is the set of claims that a speaker of facts or a writer of an essay makes. The arguments can be factual or personal, supporting or not supporting the argument.

A conclusion is the final point in an argument. It is the summary of the two or more premises provided.

The conclusion is the end of the argument. It answers the question posed.


Premise 1: All Greek people are humans.

Premise 2: Socrates is Greek.

Conclusion: Therefore, Socrates is a human.

To Wrap Up

In each of the examples presented in this article, the writer clearly develops and presents the premise, then draws the conclusion. Premises and a conclusion are two of the most integral parts of an argument.

The premises will not be understood if there is no conclusion. If there are no premises, then there is no argument.

Having a deep understanding of both these concepts will help you better formulate arguments.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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