Tips on How to Write a Good Conclusion Paragraph- Examples

When writing a good conclusion paragraph, the challenge is to leave a lasting impression while highlighting the test’s key points. And so you may panic at the end of your essay because you have no idea how to write the conclusion.

The good news is that you don’t have to treat learning how to write an essay conclusion like climbing Mount Everest. You can conclude by employing the proper tactics if you think about the bigger picture.

An effective concluding paragraph will leave the reader with the impression that your argument has been proven. Here’s how to write a good conclusion paragraph with some examples.

Tips for Writing a Good Conclusion Paragraph

Writing a reasonable conclusion can be a simple task. Consider the following steps to writing a good conclusion paragraph. 

1. Restate the Thesis Statement

The first step in writing a solid conclusion that will cap off your essay with a final flourish is to restate your thesis statement. Reiterating your thesis statement can help remind the reader why they are reading your essay in the first place.

2. Reiterate Your Supporting Arguments

After restating your thesis (paraphrased to offer a new perspective), the next stage is to summarize your supporting arguments. 

To do this, you must go through your essay and pull out the “main points.” Ensure the key points are from each paragraph supporting your claims. Then, conclude in a way that underlines the significance of the ideas you’ve discussed.

You don’t want to merely summarize what you wrote. Create a decent conclusion that is natural regardless of the length of your essay. 

Contrarily, the final paragraph should leave the reader with a sense of finality. It should also hint at the topic’s broader significance and potential future developments.

3. Complement With Context

An excellent research-based quote that didn’t find its way into the body paragraph of the essay can be included here. Use a primary or secondary source quote to provide context for your argument or summary. It can help make your case more concrete and nuanced.

Using supporting details to bolster your concluding paragraph is acceptable so long as they contribute to your main argument rather than detract from it. It’s only natural that you’d like the last say.

4. Use a Clincher

You should save your best (or clinching) sentence for last. The clincher should be front and center as you consider effective ending writing techniques. 

How can you convince the reader to reconsider their position on the issue? For the piece, this closing sentence should leave readers with a sense of resolution. It’s essential to leave your readers satisfied that they gained something from reading your article.

Examples: Writing a Good Conclusion Paragraph

These examples will help you to familiarize yourself with the essential components of writing a conclusion paragraph.

Sample 1: Should Schools Resume Late Mornings?

There are clear advantages to starting K-12 school later in the morning, including greater academic achievement and healthier sleeping patterns. 

Although it may require some adjusting of schedules for parents, academic performance is more essential than the convenience of the drop-off. 

To tackle this, more bus routes and crossing guards should be created. This enables parents with strict work schedules to rest, confident that their children get to school without incident.

Sample 2: What Are Women’s Most Difficult Challenges in the Workplace?

Since 2010, more women than men have been employed in corporate positions. However, women still face significant obstacles in the workplace. 

Even when they perform identical work, the persistent salary gap between men and women is a major problem that we continuously discuss.

Many women are the primary breadwinners in their households, so this limits economic development and prospects for future generations. 

There are fewer opportunities for women to advance to the upper ranks of an organization. And women are even less likely to hold positions of authority in the workplace. A woman leads just 6% of Fortune 500 corporations. A fair playing field would improve conditions for women and make entering the workforce more appealing for everyone.


So, what impression do you hope to make on your readers? These examples show that there are many ways to end a paragraph. 

However, they all highlight the purpose of the paragraph, which is to win the reader over to your side with an appropriate tone. Use this guide to write a good conclusion paragraph like a PRO.

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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