Six Steps to Writing a Simple Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter can be a little tricky. It can be the difference between getting an interview or getting passed over.

Even though they aren’t always needed, cover letters are used by many hiring managers to assess a candidate’s qualifications for the post. Including a cover letter is an excellent approach to convince the company that you are serious about the position, even if it is optional.

This article is about writing clear, short, and captivating cover letters that convey your value effectively. We’ll explain how to draft a cover letter that impresses potential employers! Let’s get started.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

What Exactly Is a Simple Cover Letter?

A job-seeker writes a cover letter to a prospective employer to communicate their interest in a position. 

Cover letters are often used when applying for an advertised position that requires written application materials. They can stand as a supplement to an online application. 

Cover letters are also different from traditional resumes because they have a much shorter length. You tell potential employers why you want the job and think you’d be a good fit for the organization. It is usually included with your resume while applying for a job. 

Your cover letter must emphasize your relevant abilities, experience, and accomplishments for the job you’re applying for. Cover letters allow you to elaborate on your professional experience and why you’d be an excellent fit for the position and firm.

Your cover letter has the power to set you apart from the rest of the applicants if it is well-written. 

What Is the Best Way to Format a Cover Letter?

A one-page cover letter written in a professional typeface like Arial or Helvetica should be your goal. Ensure it is at a size of 10 to 12 points. We also recommend using single spacing and one-inch margins for your letter.

A cover letter should look like a business letter and have the following parts:

  • Header with date and contact information
  • Salutation or greeting
  • Opening paragraph, Middle paragraph(s), Closing paragraph
  • Letter ending and signature

Six Steps to Writing a Simple Cover Letter

There are steps to writing a basic cover letter. Like a resume, a cover letter is essential. These steps will ensure you get a good one out there.

We have provided specific information and examples of what to include in each section. Here we go!

1. Professional Header

As with any conventional business letter header, your cover letter should begin with a few bits of personal and role-specific information. The title should contain your contact information, the application’s submission date, and the recipient’s contact information. 

You may also center your name and address at the top of the page, similar to how they appear on your résumé.

Cover letter header template:

  • Your title
  • Town and postal code
  • Contact number of Applicant
  • Email address of Applicant
  • Date
  • Name and title of the recipient
  • Company name Address of the company

It will be easier for the hiring manager or recruiter to contact you regarding the opportunity if you include a professional and thorough heading.

2. Salute!

In your study, try to identify the name of the individual who will evaluate employment applications. Use a standard business greeting, such as “Dear” or “Hello,” to begin your letter to this individual.

If you cannot identify the gender pronouns (he/him, she/her, they/they) of the individual reading your application, it is advisable to use a gender-neutral greeting such as “Dear [first and last name]” or “Dear [job title].”

Example greetings:

Dear Hiring Manager

Thank you, Peter Patterson

3. Write an Introductory Paragraph

In the opening paragraph of your cover letter, indicate the job title and posting source for which you apply. 

Explain your unique interest in the position and firm, so the reader knows you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested. 

Mention briefly the prior experience or qualification you possess that makes you a suitable candidate. The initial piece of your cover letter will also serve as the reader’s first impression of you. Therefore, it is crucial to appeal to that person immediately and concisely.


“I write to express my interest in the creative writer opportunity at Cloudways, which I discovered online. I understand that you currently need creative writers in the tech niche. 

My content marketing abilities would be a substantial asset to your company. I am ecstatic to have the chance to add my unique style and passion for creative writing to your brand.”

4. Background Experience

Your second paragraph should be a concise summary of your relevant background experience. Start with actual accomplishments, talents, and specializations that make you ideally qualified to perform successfully in the role. 

Focus on one or two successes and provide extensive details, including quantifiable impacts. Include relevant keywords from the job description in the body of your cover letter. You should offer your one or two most recent professional experiences.


 “As the Content Creator at Philips West, I was a key team leader. I was responsible for enhancing the quality of our brand and customer engagement through our content.

Before that, I worked for Tabloid Zone, Inc. in marketing, sales, and customer service. 

At Tabloid Zone, I devised a plan for customer retention. I carried out Internal training for staff, and award recognition for long-standing customers. This resulted in more than a 95% percent increase in customer retention.”

5. Demonstrate Your Suitability

The following paragraph should highlight other significant accomplishments or skills pertinent to the role.

Instead of repeating information from your CV, elaborate on particular examples or tales demonstrating your suitability for the position. Again, emphasize anecdotes that illustrate the skills and qualifications specified in the job description.

If you are changing careers, this is an excellent time to discuss transferable abilities and experiences from your previous position.


“Achieving ambitious marketing objectives is always a top concern, and I am constantly looking out for the company’s best interests.

I appreciate marketing presentations to prospective clients and highlighting an organization’s capabilities.

My marketing expertise at Dale Pharmaceuticals led to a 35 percent boost in consumer retention and new heights of success for the company.

I am never satisfied with the current quo. I believe that a firm should always seek methods to develop and reach new clientele through innovative initiatives.”

6. It’s Time to Say Bye Bye

You should conclude your cover letter with a paragraph that outlines why you’re applying for the position and why you’d be a fantastic fit. 

Keep the cover letter conclusion concise and express your eagerness to hear from the employer regarding subsequent actions. Sign your name at the bottom of the page.


“Thank you for your thoughts and time. I look forward to receiving additional information about the Customer Success role. 

I’m pleased to have the opportunity to join Babyform’s industry-leading team. My track record and the quality of Babyform’s products are a winning mix for expanding the company’s market share.


Frances Timms.”

To Wrap Up

A simple cover letter is about taking the time to learn about the company and the purpose of the job posting. Don’t be afraid to take the chance; you are exactly what the hiring managers are looking for!

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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