The airline industry has a lot of opportunities for job seekers with a background in aviation. These include airline pilots, aircraft mechanics, and flight attendants.
However, landing that job won’t be easy. Like any job, you’ll need to go through some challenging tests and, of course, a thorough interview. And what better way to prepare for that dream job in the skies than by practicing with some aviation interview questions?
In this article, we’ll look at common pilot questions you should anticipate during your interview. The better prepared you are, the more confident you’ll feel and the better performances you’ll deliver.

Aviation Interview Questions You Should Prepare For
Basic Interview Questions
Why did you decide on a career as a pilot?
This is a very common job interview question, so you should anticipate it. You can tell them you enjoy flying and you believe you are responsible. Furthermore, you can say that you possess all the skills and strengths required for this work.
You could also refer to an event that motivated you to pursue your career. It could be meeting a pilot when you were young or having a keen interest in aircraft models since childhood.
The key is to convince them that you are passionate about the job and that you’re not just in it for the money.
Why do you want to work for our airlines?
Your answer to this question should reflect your motivation and interest in joining the company. Tell them why their company is your first choice.
You can say that you enjoy their flight destinations or have a great deal of experience with their airlines as a passenger. The goal is to make them feel special and valued after hearing your answer. A flattering response never fails.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Experience is essential for pilots. You can tell them that you will be happy to continue working as a pilot after five years. Tell them that you do not presume this is just a short stint of your professional career.
Why do you think you can be a good pilot?
You need to show confidence in your answer. If they see you doubting yourself, they might doubt your skills too.
Try to tell them that you did a great job in training. Also, let them know that you are responsible for the safety of passengers and that you have excellent flying skills.
Situational Interview Questions
Imagine that a weather event got bad, and you saw a storm unfolding before you. What would you do?
The best pilots prioritize safety. You can ask the navigators on the ground and turn off the pilot to take control of the plane. Change the course of your flight only after you have made sure you won’t cross a flight corridor reserved for another plane. The key to answering this question is to assure hiring managers that you won’t take them lightly.
Consider that your ground crew is having difficulty loading your luggage, and you are behind schedule. How do you deal with it?
Safety is always the priority. Put all safety checks into action, and once everything has been completed, you’ll go out and help the crew. You should remember that your attitude is critical to hiring managers.
Describe when you felt pressure in your training when flying an aircraft. How did you handle it?
It’s inevitable to feel pressure when flying an aircraft, especially when you’re a new pilot or faced with challenging situations. Think about a situation in which you had difficulty landing or when the weather was bad.
Ensure the interviewers did not crack under pressure. Use the pressure to strengthen your focus and sharpen your sense of self, enabling you to safely bring everyone to the ground.
Tips to Ace Your Aviation Interview
Every job interview will have its challenges. Try following these tips to help you demonstrate your skills and experience during interviews.
- Dress the part. Your appearance will be the first impression you make on interviewers. You need to make it count. You shouldn’t be the least dressed-up person in an interview. Put on a professional suit to show them you mean business.
- Pay attention to your speech mannerisms. Avoid saying “um” too often, rambling in your speech, speaking too loudly, or fidgeting in your seat.
- Have accomplishments and stories about your work history ready. Interviewers will naturally ask about your work history. We recommend you discuss what you did in your past roles and what you have done outside of it.
- Be prepared to discuss any gaps in your work history or other potential red flags. For instance, your interviewers will want to know why you’ve worked five jobs in five years. You should be ready to answer questions like that.
Aviation professionals like pilots must be composed, self-motivated, and adaptable. You can be more confident for your interview by practicing with these aviation interview questions. Put your best foot forward, be thoughtful in your responses, and always stay positive. Good luck!
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