Master These Top Electrician Interview Questions

Interviews are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your skills and qualifications. They’re the means through which hiring managers identify the best candidates for a job role.

The hiring manager will consider you for the job if your answers are convincing. Outstanding performance on electrician interview questions will impress the interviewer and get your foot through the door. 

Knowing what questions you’ll likely be asked at an interview will help you have an answer ready. The person you will speak with will be impressed by your knowledge and will choose to give you the job.

The questions in this guide will prepare you professionally and confidently for an electrician interview. 

Common Electrician Interview Questions

An electrician job is a promising career path, but you must ace an interview before you can begin work. You will most likely encounter specific questions if you are interviewing to become an electrician. Adequate preparation is important if you don’t want to leave your interview up to chance. 

Hiring managers want to assess your skills and, if applicable, your personality to determine if you’re a good fit for the job role. You must be well-prepared to coordinate with the interviewer and make headway at the interview. The following questions will give you a glimpse into what you should expect.

1. Why did you choose to become an electrician?

To answer this question, you should know what sparked your interest. Did you grow up amongst electricians? Did you solve electrical problems with your father while growing up? That is what you should tell your interviewer.

Example“When I was a kid, I used to watch my dad and grandfather work as electricians at the neighborhood timber mill. I appreciated hearing about the challenging issues they had resolved at work and the camaraderie they had with their coworkers. Later, I discovered that I also enjoyed aiding others and finding solutions to difficult problems. I believe that electrical work is the ideal career for me since I have had pleasant experiences with it throughout my life. And also because I am interested in how electricity works.”

2. What’s your area of specialization?

Did you specialize in a particular area? If not, you should tell your interviewer this. If you are specialized in PCB fabrication or wiring inspection, be honest with your interviewer. 

Example“My work has primarily been in an industrial setting. I’m fascinated by the intricacy of big systems in factories, mills, and plants. I like being a part of the bigger teams those kinds of tasks require. I also have home wiring experience, which gives my skill set some important variety.”

3. What will you do if you’re given a task with incomplete instructions?

When the recruiter asks this question, they want to know if you care about your work. The answer the interviewer will expect for this question is that you clarify the task with the person who assigned it.

Example“If I were given a task with unclear directions, I would start by immediately determining whether I had previously overcome a comparable problem. I would then clarify the assignment with the supervisor who gave it, adding my own suggestions to fill in the blanks. I value the independence of learning how to complete a task on my own. But I equally value the effectiveness of completing a task exactly as specified.”

4. Why should you be considered for this job?

Tell your interviewer about the qualifications that make you a perfect fit for the job. Mention how many responsibilities you can take and your ability to handle problems.

Example“I’m a wonderful fit for this work thanks to my knowledge with industrial electrical systems. The systems you utilize are within my area of expertise because I have experience working with similar infrastructure from previous employment. I will also be a great addition to your business because I collaborate well and think my personality fits your company’s culture well.”

5. What other qualifications do you possess?

Don’t underestimate the value of skill development. Talk about the certificate course that you have taken. Something for you to refer to when discussing your current career is a good idea. When asked, describe your approach to making yourself fit for a particular job. This idea is not to lie. 

Example“I hold a journeyman electrician license in addition to NFPA certification for electrical fire safety risk mitigation. I am qualified to check electrical work for safety compliance thanks to this certification. In addition, I have advanced first aid and CPR certifications.”

6. Have you mentored anyone before?

If yes, mention how you took on a student and mentored him/her to success. If you have not mentored anyone before, mention to whom you would like to start mentoring and why. 

Example“I oversee the apprentice mentoring program at my present job. I manage other mentor electricians by coordinating their actions with the state apprenticeship regulations, and I mentor two apprentices myself.”

7. What safety hazard should an electrician expect while on a job?

Suppose you’ve had safety surveys where you followed procedures, state those. You should talk about some hazards and safety precautions that one can use to avoid them. 

Example“Trips, falls, item hits, and dangerous materials are some of the common workplace safety risks that an electrician could experience. Electrical shock is a risk that electricians in particular confront, although they can reduce it by adhering to recommended electrical safety procedures.”

8. What school qualified you to be an electrician? Is your grade point average?

Don’t make any cock-up here. The employer is looking for straightforward answers to questions like these. You can mention the year, location, and some relevant knowledge acquired.

9. What will you do if a coworker is at risk?

Tell the interviewer about your ability to build strong relationships with potential coworkers and how you would motivate them. Of course, you won’t say you will mind your business or walk away. Make your interviewer understand that you can work with a team.

Example“On a job site, everyone is responsible for the crew’s safety. I point out a coworker’s risky behavior right away and suggest a better course of action. When I see a trend of risky behavior, I let our safety director know so that they may organize the necessary training.”

10. Were you an apprentice before?

An apprenticeship is a bonding process where students work under a skilled teacher. If you worked as an apprentice, that’s good for you. Let your interviewer in on your experience and how long you were an apprentice.

Example“I spent three years as an apprentice and six years as a journeyman. In order to move more quickly to the next level of skill, I put in as many hours as I could at each step. As a result, I am now a certified master electrician.”

11. How well do you know this company?

Before the interview, carry out research about the company. Be honest in showing that you know how the business operate. And understand what you’re getting into. 

12. Imagine a coworker receiving a severe electrical shock. What do you do?

Example“Years ago, I actually saw a coworker get a severe electrical shock. I started by pressing the emergency switch and making a 911 call. Then I examined them for a pulse and respiration when the power was off. I tried to keep the coworker as comfortable as I could till help arrived even though they weren’t conscious but were breathing. To prevent similar circumstances in the future, I then assisted in putting additional safety training into place.”

13. Are you familiar with personal protective equipment?

The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worn by biohazard and blood-borne pathogens (BBP) staff can vary depending on their job. Make sure you recognize the types of PPE the electricians use before discussing them. 

14. What is the most vital piece of safety equipment for an electrician?

Example“In my opinion, head protection is the most crucial piece of safety gear for an electrician. The risk of head damage is frequently greater than the chance of shock at the kinds of job sites I’ve worked at. Insulated gloves are the next most crucial equipment, especially in high-voltage conditions.”

15. Do you have experience using mobile technology?

There are a lot of smartphones. You should know their usage and functions. This is what your interviewer wants to find out.

Other Common Electrician Interview Questions

  • How would your current boss describe you?
  • What are the most crucial safety instructions for electricians?
  • What kind of tasks do you handle at your current job?
  • When and where did you attend electrical school?
  • Have you done more residential or commercial work? Why?
  • Describe an occasion when you solved a complicated electrical problem as part of a team. 
  • Have you worked with our kind of electrical systems before?
  • Which honors have you won for your work?
  • What is the biggest project you have ever worked on?
  • What kinds of systems have you previously worked with?

More Electrician Interview Questions

  • What part does the National Electric Code play in your work as an electrician?
  • Imagine that a business hired you to install the wiring in a 4,000-square-foot office building with six offices and a server bank. How would you approach this task?
  • What kinds of wires might be employed in a residential electrical project? Which wire types are used more frequently in electrical work for businesses or industries?
  • When was the last time you applied your understanding of PLCs?
  • What steps would you take to troubleshoot a lumber mill blackout if you received a call about it?
  • What are some differences between wiring systems with high and low voltages?
  • Why are fuses necessary in an electrical system? What function do breakers serve?
Photo by Антон Дмитриев on Unsplash


Interview questions can be challenging to answer, but if you prepare ahead of time, you will find it easy.

You should ponder on: your strengths and weaknesses, your ambitions, and how well you can perform under pressure. These questions could be asked during the interview, and any potential employer can best gauge the potential candidate through them.

The interviewer wants to see how you will help the company with your skills and experience. Be honest when providing your answers. It is easy to see if you are honest with the information you provide. And easier to know if you give false information. 

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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