Everyone deserves to have a better work atmosphere. A great atmosphere won’t magically appear.
There needs to be a conscious effort to make things lively and fun. To make your workplace livelier, we have compiled some funny questions to ask employees.
Our collection of questions can provide a few laughs, something to think about and help in making the workplace better.

Funny Questions to Ask Employees
- When are you going to retire?
- What was your childhood nickname?
- How many animals would it take to take an elephant down?
- What’s the most boring sport?
- What was the most difficult thing about your childhood?
- What’s your favorite dad joke?
- If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
- What’s the most useless word in the dictionary?
- If you could be a fictional superhero, who would you be?
- What’s your favorite day of the week?
- What skill has taken you the longest time to get good or decent at?
- Would you describe yourself as a backseat driver?
- What is your spirit animal?
- What’s an interesting fact about you?
- Who was your first celebrity crush?
- If aliens landed and offered to abduct you, would you be willing to go with them?
- What is your biggest irrational phobia?
- Do you like being around people?
- If a zombie apocalypse is approaching, who are three people you want on your team?
- What would you like to be known for?
- What’s your favorite part of working in a team?
- If you get one free hour per day, how would you use it?
- What is the best benefit you’ve ever had at a job?
- If you could choose an age to remain forever, what would it be?
- Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone famous?
- Is there anything interesting you’d love to start collecting?
- What’s your favorite work-related activity?
Final Words
The general goal of employment is for employees to use their skills for profit, and businesses don’t want to lose talent. It’s important for businesses to understand what makes employees happy and keep employees happy.
When employees are under stress and struggling, productivity drops, and business growth suffers. Taking the time to discuss interesting topics with your employees can empower them to feel valued and improve productivity.
Our list of funny questions to ask employees is a good place to start. These questions can lead to deeper and more interesting conversations.
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